SLO GOP’s description of Trump as a “true patriot” is puzzling and blatantly erroneous | Opinion

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Real human thriving

“Brink of collapse: How did humans get to the point of climate catastrophe? A long push for progress and energy to fuel it” (San Luis Obispo Tribune, Nov. 28)

I appreciated the historical perspective taken in this article that made the direct connection between the foundations of our economic system and the climate catastrophe we now face. Growth and progress narratives have become so deeply embedded in our society that it is nearly impossible to envision a world that is not centered around them. However, this current system is not only destroying our environment, it increasingly no longer serves people’s basic needs.

We must try to envision futures where we are less reliant on consumerism, extractivism and the need to control our natural systems. The green energy transition is a necessary step, but not nearly enough.

Humans are constrained by the upper boundary of planetary limits and the lower boundary of our social needs. According to economist Kate Raworth, within those limits lies a doughnut-shaped area that provides a “safe and just space for humanity to thrive in.” I’d love to see some of these ideas and frameworks implemented in the Central Coast. Let’s shift our focus from mindless growth to real human thriving.

Aline Kubiak

San Luis Obispo


GOP in San Luis Obispo and Placer counties endorse Trump,” (, Dec. 1)

It’s somewhat puzzling that the San Luis Obispo County GOP would so enthusiastically endorse Donald Trump and refer to him as a “true patriot.”

Somehow, the word patriot doesn’t seem to fit a president who constantly lied to the American people and continues to do so; who claims he never swore to uphold and defend the Constitution; who attempted to blackmail a foreign power to get dirt on a political appointment; whose response to the COVID epidemic resulted in confusion, chaos and unnecessary deaths; who incited an insurrection against the government; and who conspired to overthrow a fair election.

His dismal record as president aside, his character as a human being should raise questions. The man faces 92 criminal charges, has been successfully sued for sexual assault, has paid hush money to a porn star, ran a corrupt charity and university and committed tax fraud.

Our founding fathers foresaw a government where debate would evolve to compromise and eventually result in bi-partisan laws. The message Trump has preached to his followers is hatred toward those who disagree with him. Such divisiveness and the word patriot don’t match.

Tom Bauer

Morro Bay


GOP lies

A can of soup costs $4.99! Will California food prices ever get back to normal? | Opinion,” (Nov. 15)

It is being reported that GOP politicians plan to campaign against President Joe Biden next year on the inflation that has occurred since he took office. While nobody likes inflation, this is not a reason to vote for the GOP.

Inflation has been a global problem mostly due to wars, supply chain disruptions from the pandemic and other factors beyond Biden’s control. The proof is that inflation in the U.S. has been lower than in any other country in the G-7 except for Japan. What’s more, U.S. inflation has been close to zero for the last two months.

No one in the GOP is telling us anything about how they would manage inflation if elected — just like they told us they would replace Obamacare with something better while never telling us what that might be.

In point of fact, the only economic policies the GOP is serious about are getting more tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy donors who finance their re-election campaigns. If anybody knows an economist who thinks that this will cut inflation, please let us all know.

Chris Toews

San Luis Obispo

Thank you, Dr. Armstrong

SLO’s French Hospital unveils new state-of-the-art ER — here’s an inside look,” (, Jan. 24, 2020)

In today’s world of negative news, it’s nice to acknowledge services and individuals when you catch them doing something right. Recently, I had a health issue that was much worse than I thought. When I contacted my primary physician, it was immediately determined that I should go directly to ER — in this case, to Dignity Health’s French Hospital Medical Center in San Luis Obispo. I needed immediate care to stabilize my body’s condition, and ER Dr. Theodore Armstrong and his medical team aggressively treated me for about six hours, after which time I was, fortunately, able to return home.

Without a doubt, Armstrong and the ER team at French Hospital are exceptional in providing emergency health care. I, along with my family, are very grateful to have quality and professional ER care in this community.

We thank you very much. Keep up the good work!

Steve Mathis

San Luis Obispo

Constituent voices

SLO County residents trying to stop offshore wind turbines,” (, Oct. 23)

On Tuesday, December 12, my wife and I attended a Port San Luis Harbor District meeting where a scheduled vote on a resolution to support offshore wind planning was set to take place.

There were approximately 20 members of the public present who were all opposed to the resolution. The fishermen’s representative on the board voted no while the rest of the board voted yes. With no one in support except them present, they should have at least postponed the vote, but I guess nowadays the government just makes up our mind for us.

Jeremiah O’Brien

Morro Bay Commercial Fishermen’s Organization, vice president