SLO Tribune to change print days as digital transition evolves

The Tribune’s journey toward a more digitally focused, sustainable future takes its biggest step yet later this year, when we transition to a 24/7 digital product with two days of high-quality print editions beginning April 15.

The print editions will publish Wednesdays and Sundays and continue to be delivered with your regular mail. The Sunday newspaper will arrive on Saturday as it has since June. Single copies also will be available at select retail locations.

The eEdition will continue to publish seven days a week at and in our digital app. And we’ll continue to publish news digitally throughout the day, every day.

This transition will also allow us to invest in making our digital experiences better, including a big update to the eEdition that I’m excited to share with you soon.

This is another key move for us within the digital transition of the news industry — and a vital step toward the sustainability of The Tribune.

Increasingly, San Luis Obispo County residents get their news from their phones, tablets and computers. With that trend in mind, we’ve become much more digitally focused and have intensified that approach to the point that readers at or our eEdition will nearly always see our best work before our print readers.

For The Tribune to continue to provide you with essential coverage of our community and reporting that holds local leaders accountable, we must transform our business to thrive in 2024 and beyond.

For more than 150 years, dating back to 1869, Tribune journalists have been committed to telling the stories of SLO County, and that isn’t changing. We will continue to deliver in-depth reporting, investigative work and captivating stories about amazing people and events in our communities.

We have the most experienced reporting team of any news organization in San Luis Obispo County, and we will pursue everything from breaking news to the most comprehensive in-depth journalism with the dedication you have come to expect.

Our reporters will continue to tell critical stories about the challenges of housing and homelessness on the Central Coast, about the environment and renewable energy, about Cal Poly and our local schools and about all of the important changes happening in your hometowns and neighborhoods.

We will produce groundbreaking journalism that is unmatched in SLO County.

In 2023:

  • For the third time in five years, we were named the best news organization in our category by the California News Publishers Association, winning first place for general excellence.

  • We received a total of 20 CNPA awards — including 10 blue ribbons — for stories across nearly every beat and subject, including first place for public service coverage of the mental health crisis in SLO County, first place for both investigative journalism and breaking news for coverage of the Kristin Smart case, and first place for local government coverage, business journalism, election coverage and photography.

  • And reporter Chloe Jones won a McClatchy President’s Award — the company’s top journalism honor — for her coverage of the Kristin Smart trial.

We’ve continued that commitment to this day, producing investigative projects on how pollution from dry cleaning businesses threatens public health, how local veterans lost a residential care facility, how Cal Poly’s jazz director bolted the university amid a TItle IX sexual misconduct accusation, and why SLO County’s top administrator was fired.

If you’re already a subscriber, thank you for supporting the work we do and investing in local journalism, and be sure to activate your digital access at

If you aren’t a subscriber, please consider lending your support for the kind of strong, independent reporting that is critical to our democracy and the health of our county. The future of our community depends on it.

In the coming days, subscribers will receive correspondence from our customer service team regarding next steps. That team can be reached at 800-288-4128.

Joe Tarica has been the editor of The Tribune since 2018 and has been on staff for more than 30 years. You can reach him at