Smaller Indian State Flips to Another Regional Party in Polls

(Bloomberg) -- The northeastern Indian state of Mizoram has switched its government, joining three others which voted for change in the latest state elections.

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Zoram People’s Movement, a regional party, won 27 seats in the 40-member legislature, defeating the ruling Mizo National Front, according to the Election Commission of India. Both Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party and the Indian National Congress trailed, winning just a handful of seats.

The current chief minister, Zoramthanga, conceded his seat to the Zoram People’s Movement candidate.

Results for four other electorally-significant states — Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Telangana — were announced on Sunday. Counting in Mizoram was deferred by a day.

The BJP retained power in Madhya Pradesh and wrested control of the state legislatures from Congress in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. Congress flipped the southern state of Telangana, where a regional party held power for two consecutive terms.

The state elections, held last month, aren’t a proxy for India’s national poll in 2024. But they do offer clues on popular sentiment and election strategies resonating with voters.

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