
Smith: Invasive species prevention takes center stage in June

Invasive, nws, lynn, 2.-A Round Goby sits above Zebra Mussels in the new Great Lakes Invasive Species exhibit at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago Thursday January 5, 2006.  The new permanent exhibit feature many of the invasive species threatening the Great Lakes.
Invasive, nws, lynn, 2.-A Round Goby sits above Zebra Mussels in the new Great Lakes Invasive Species exhibit at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago Thursday January 5, 2006. The new permanent exhibit feature many of the invasive species threatening the Great Lakes.

They range from the beautiful yellow iris to the menacing rusty crayfish, from the dime-sized zebra mussel to the 10-foot-tall phragmites.

The roster goes on to include about 200 other wide-ranging life forms found in Wisconsin.

Despite their differences, they have two overriding common traits – they aren't native and they are listed as "invasive species" in the Badger State.

Invasive species are defined by the state as non-indigenous species whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

Their spread is linked to human commerce and recreation.

That helps highlight the challenge and opportunities of keeping the state's woods, fields and waters free of the "undesirables."

In 2001 the Wisconsin Legislature created the Governor's Council on Invasive Species to address the many and expanding issues related to the non-native organisms.

As part of the state's efforts, Gov. Tony Evers proclaimed June as "Invasive Species Action Month."

The campaign is designed to encourage Wisconsinites to help prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species that harm Wisconsin’s native wildlife, wetlands, forests, prairies, lakes and rivers, the Department of Natural Resources announced in a statement.

If you're not already aware of the costs of invasive species, they are huge.

A 2005 economic analysis (Pimentel et al.) showed invasive species cost the nation $120 billion per year while a paper published in 2012 (Rothlisberger et al.) estimated ballast-borne invasive species cost Great Lakes states $230 million per year.

Work to restore water quality lost in Lake Mendota due to the spiny water flea was calculated to be millions of dollars per year (Walsh et al., 2016).

The presence of aquatic invasive species has also been shown to lower waterfront property values (Halstead et al. 2003; Horsch and Lewis 2009; Zhang and Boyle 2010).

Non-native phragmites (Phragmites australis). Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,
Non-native phragmites (Phragmites australis). Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

On land, Wisconsin’s $25 billion forestry industry is hurt by oak wilt, gypsy moth, and more recently, the emerald ash borer and beech bark disease.

All you need to do is look at woodlots in southern Wisconsin to see the impacts of emerald ash borer. Costs to respond to the emerald ash borer in our region, including treatment, removal, and replacement of millions of ash trees, has a current annual effect of $280 million on municipal budgets, a figure that does not include the value of trees on private property, according to the DNR.

This non-native insect also negatively affects electrical utility budgets with the removal of dead trees that could fall onto utility lines.

So across the landscape, invasive species are extremely harmful to the ecosystem and costly to the economy.

But there's another, more optimistic side to the awareness coin.

Of Wisconsin's 15,000 lakes and thousands more miles of rivers and creeks, invasive species have been documented in only 3,161 waters, according to a DNR database.

So about 80% are still free of the harmful non-native species.

One prime example: Shell Lake, a 2,513-acre lake in Washburn County with excellent public access and high recreational use, has not had a single case of an aquatic invasive species.

The lake hosted the 2022 Governor's Fishing Opener; local volunteers, including those who help monitor the boat landing, helped show off the public gem.

It's up to us to keep it and similar sites in Wisconsin free from the undesirables so future generations can experience the outdoors as we have.

Here's a list of tips from the DNR to help prevent the spread of invasive species:

• Leave firewood at home. Buy it within a 10-mile radius of your campsite.

• Burn all wood during your trip.

• Inspect clothing and equipment for seeds, insects, etc. before leaving your camping area.

• Be on the lookout for insect or disease damage to trees in your landscape.

• Clean your clothes, bicycles, ATV's, etc. before leaving a site that is infested with invasive plants.

• Never move fish or bait to wetlands or other waters.

• Remove any attached aquatic plants or animals from your boat.

• Teach others to identify and report wetland invasive plants in Wisconsin.

• Remove invasive exotic plants from your landscape and replace them with native plants or non-invasive exotic plants. Remove invasive plants before they are a problem. Scout annually for new invasive plants.

• Buy nursery-propagated native plants. Never dig or buy plants that have been dug in the wild.

For more information, including how you can get involved in efforts to stop the spread of invasive species near your home or vacation property, visit the DNR's Invasive Species page at

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: June is Invasive Species Action month in Wisconsin