
Smith: Walleye book takes in-depth look at the pressures facing our favorite species

Walleye are the most popular game fish in Wisconsin, according to surveys conducted by the Department of Natural Resources.
Walleye are the most popular game fish in Wisconsin, according to surveys conducted by the Department of Natural Resources.

There are about 34,000 species of fish on Earth.

It can be argued few are as popular and valuable as the walleye.

Here in the Upper Midwest, it's not really a debate.

The handsome, delicious freshwater species with the white flesh and tip on its tail is prized by sport, tribal and commercial fishers.

It's the official state or provincial fish of Manitoba, Minnesota, Saskatchewan, South Dakota and Vermont, and multiple towns across the Great Lakes region claim to be the "walleye capital of the world."

All of that interest has placed huge pressure on walleye fisheries. The bronze-colored, toothy fish doesn't benefit from a catch-and-release tradition such as largemouth bass and muskellunge. Angler surveys show the majority of legal-sized walleye are instead harvested and "released to the grease."

And as exploitation has been compounded in recent decades by climate change, pollution, invasive species and habitat loss, the challenge facing the species has grown to unprecedented proportions.

Leave it to a Wisconsin native to write the seminal contemporary book on our favorite fish.

Paul J. Radomski was born in Stevens Point and spent his formative years growing up in Plover. He spent a lot of time fishing as a kid, mostly brook trout on streams and walleye on the Wisconsin River.

"Great memories of getting out on the water and learning about nature and fishing," Radomski, 61, said in a recent phone interview. "At the time, you don't realize how fortunate you are, but it can help set you on a life course."

Radomski was lucky, too, to get to know renowned wildlife researchers Frances and Frederick Hamerstrom, who lived in the area, and acclaimed trout manager Bob Hunt, who worked on streams in the region for the Department of Natural Resources.

All of it factored into Radomski's growing interest in science and he enrolled at UW-Stevens Point where he earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in fisheries and limnology.

Radomski relocated to Minnesota after graduation and embarked on a career as a fisheries biologist and lake ecology scientist.

He is coauthor of "Lakeshore Living: Designing Lake Places and Communities in the Footprints of Environmental Writers" and has published many scientific papers on walleye population dynamics, fisheries management, and lakeshore habitat and conservation.

The personal, educational and professional experiences combined to put Radomski in prime position to share his knowledge of walleye in a book.

It's titled "Walleye: A Beautiful Fish of the Dark," and is scheduled to be released in September by the University of Minnesota Press.

A book to be released in September titled "Walleye: A Beautiful Fish of the Dark" details all aspects of Wisconsin's most-sought sport fish.
A book to be released in September titled "Walleye: A Beautiful Fish of the Dark" details all aspects of Wisconsin's most-sought sport fish.

Radomski said his job as a scientist has given him the opportunity to gain a deeper appreciation of walleye and nature. But he always considered his job as more than a profession. It's a calling to tend nature, he said.

"Today, I'm an apostle of lake and walleye," Radomski said.

The book is structured in three sections: an explanation of the species; principles of walleye management; and protecting and restoring walleye habitat.

As referenced in the book's title, the "wall-eyed" fish evolved to thrive in dim conditions or turbid water.

Many people are surprised to learn, Radomski said, rivers are the species' ancestral habitat. Only later did the fish adapt to large, cool-water lakes.

The mention of temperature looms large over the current and future status of walleye.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is in the process of updating its walleye management plan.

Big parts of the draft attempt to address long-term sustainability of walleye populations by "maintaining population and ecosystem resiliency and developing effective rehabilitation strategies."

That's because, perhaps more than any other species, walleye have been in flux in Wisconsin over the past two decades.

A walleye is measured after being caught on a raft on the Wolf River near Gill's Landing, Wis. Photo taken April 14, 2014 by Paul A. Smith.
A walleye is measured after being caught on a raft on the Wolf River near Gill's Landing, Wis. Photo taken April 14, 2014 by Paul A. Smith.

Why? The DNR points to recruitment failure and climate change as among the most  consequential current management issues. Neither was addressed in the state's 1998 plan.

Radomski addresses the challenges head-on, and includes examples of successes and failures, including related to stocking.

"The climactic changes were experiencing favor fish such as the largemouth bass, not the walleye," Radomski said. "So in many cases, lakes that historically had excellent natural reproduction of walleye just aren't able to anymore and we're going to have to adjust."

The typical fisheries tools aren't likely to sustain walleye populations in many lakes, Radomski said.

"You aren't going to stock your way out of it or solve it with creel reductions," Radomski said.

So there are a lot of things to be worried about with the walleye. And there are things to be hopeful about.

More northerly waters, for example, that are too cold now may do better for walleyes in the future.

And there's so much interest in walleyes that people are willing to work for them.

Three major walleye fisheries are highlighted in the book, each with at least some positive lessons: Mille Lacs and Red Lake in Minnesota, and the Winnebago System in Wisconsin.

On Lake Winnebago, Radomski heralds the work of the DNR and Walleyes For Tomorrow, the volunteer-based conservation group, to improve habitat in the lakes, marshes and rivers around the big lake as well as the annual trawling survey to monitor young-of-the-year fish.

More: It's National Go Fishing Day! Here's what you need to know about fishing in Wisconsin.

More: Smith: Fishing connects people to each other and to the outdoors

The walleye is not going away, at least not anytime soon. But like so many other species, its range is shifting.

It just might not be found in the lakes our parents or grandparents caught them with regularity.

Radomski provides another hopeful note in the epilogue.

Seizing on the annual spring rites of walleye spawning, plant growth and bird migration, he says species place a wager on the future.

He describes a scene along a lakeshore in which walleye fry struggle to rise up through the cobble-strewn lake bottom.

"For walleye and the rest of nature, the will to survive is stronger than the desire to give up," Radomski writes. "In communion with walleye, we too leave our past in the detritus. We're all betting that tomorrow will be better."

"Walleye: A Beautiful Fish of the Dark" by Paul J. Radomski is scheduled to be available Sept. 27. It is being published by the University of Minnesota Press.

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin native writes book about popular walleye fish