Sneaky Reasons YOUR Acne is Acting Up!!

Hello Readers,

How have you been? I’m sure all of you are in pink of your health enjoying this beautiful rainy season!!

I hope the way this sweltering summers have gone & will come in the next year.. wish I could say Bah-Bye to my acne also!! (EERGH—Right, isn’t it?)

There’s really nothing worse than having a breakout.. Right?

Anyways, it’s Acne Awareness Month & I’m gonna help you out to know where the zits are coming from—YEAH! Is it stress? Hormones? Junk food? Oh my Girls—Relax! Worry no more. This guide is surely gonna help you to develop a plan of attack—HURRAY!

Knowing the reasons can actually help YOU to have a blemish-free glowing skin. Of course, eating a lot of junk food & not washing your face on regular basis can lead to zits for sure.. but there might be some other sneaky reasons responsible for the breakouts!!

Once you know what’s leading to acne—then you can take some precautions to avoid them.

Wondering what could be the reasons? Read on to see what culprits are responsible for the Acne?

There YOU go!!


You go for gym? Workout? Yoga? Well Ladies, sweating itself doesn’t cause acne, but it can mix with the oils in your pores which leads to acne. Friction also aggravate acne, so prefer wearing clothes made of synthetic & natural fabrics.
When showering after a workout, prefer body wash or soap with salicylic acid to keep YOUR pores clean.
ALSO, disinfect your yoga mat after every use. We randomly place our yoga mat anywhere.. Right? ( studio floor, back of the bed, gym bag, etc) Germs & bacteria sticks to the mat very easily & when our face touches the mat—we get a breakout! So please take care..


Life gets busy & there are certain chores falls by the wayside. Those dirty pillowcases, bed-sheets & towels can also lead to zits. Bed linens can harbor bacteria. People even develop contact dermatitis & mistake it for acne. Ideally, YOU should be washing them twice a week with hot water & mild detergent—YES, you heard it right! Even the hard detergent can cause irritation to THE skin.
(Make this as YOUR regular habit & you’ll see a difference in your skin in just a few weeks!!)


Changing climate & seasonal shifts can be one of the reason for your breakouts. If your work includes more of travelling—blame that for YOUR acne!
Experts oftenly say that the dry cabin air really sucks the moisture from your skin. If you don’t moisturise, then you’ll be facing a problem of acne for sure.
In this case, if you’ve recently moved or taken a vacay—visit your dermatologist & he’ll help YOU to get back to normal skin.


Kudos for washing your face everyday—because it’s the first step for clearing your skin. If you hit the bed without washing YOUR face at night, it is a surefire way to trigger a breakout.
Cleansing your face is very important after make up, TOO. Also, YOU can say washing your face more often will remove dirt & bacteria from THE skin. Once in the morning & before sleeping is all you need to do.
(Personally, I wash my make-up brushes after couple of days with lukewarm water which keeps them clean)


Generally, traditional sunscreens are designed for the body & NOT the face. That simply means you don’t have to apply the same sunscreen on your body & face. Doing it, might lead to breakout. Instead, look for a product designed FOR the thinner, more delicate on your face.
(One of my friend did this mistake & she got zits which took couple of days to disappear!!)


Stress is simply terrible for your skin & body. It raises YOUR level of cortisol, which increased inflammation & causes oil glands to go into overdrive. You can’t obviously avoid stress at any point of time—But you should know how to deal with it, Right?
Meditating, relaxing, pampering yourself, ETC will surely calm you.


Even when YOU rinse your conditioner out, some of it might linger behind & give you acne. Read the ingredients label properly to avoid those that leads to zits.
Things like Beeswax, lanolin, comedogenic, ETC & they’re in plenty of beauty products, TOO. These items can clog your pores, which leads to pores.


Don’t forget Girls—YOU are what you eat.
Eliminating dairy, Caffeine, Sugar, junk food, etc can lead to clearer skin. Swap almond milk for cow milk & choose water over soda. Don’t believe it? Try it out!!
You need to eat a well balanced meal plan consisting of variety of foods from each food group. Fill YOUR body with essentials vitamins & minerals for gorgeous radiant skin.

Give it a month & see the difference.
Which of these things might be causing your acne?