Snow in the South? Farmers’ Almanac predicts record-breaking winter temperatures

If you’re doing some Christmas shopping early, you may want to add additional items to your list: scarves, snow boots and hot cocoa.

The first day of winter is Dec. 21 and while it is known as the shortest day of the year, this upcoming winter season will have no shortage of cold weather.

The Farmers’ Almanac is predicting record-breaking, “unreasonable cold” winter temperatures, some of which could reach 40 degrees below zero.

What are the predictions for winter?

The Farmers’ Almanac has predicted that December “looks stormy and cold nationwide”; this setup lays the groundwork for potential winter storms the rest of the season.

The timing of those storms will begin the first week of January and develop in the Rockies and Plains. During this time, snow could reach Texas and Oklahoma and there will definitely be frigid air.

Extended winter predictions from the Farmers’ Almanac are out; winter will have plenty of cold temperatures, slushy days and snowy nights.
Extended winter predictions from the Farmers’ Almanac are out; winter will have plenty of cold temperatures, slushy days and snowy nights.

Jan. 16-23 comes with winter storm threats for the eastern portion of the U.S.; heavy rain and snow are expected for this round of storms. After this, there will be “one of the coldest outbreaks of arctic air we have seen in several years,” said the Almanac. This is where the eastern two-thirds of the country will see temperatures dropping 40 degrees below zero.

Will the South see any snow?

Dust off those snow boots! The South may actually see some snow this season.

According to the Almanac, southern parts of the country will experience “cold rains and a wintry mix of wet snow, sleet, ice, freezing rain — as well as chilly temperatures,” in January.

The Almanac describes the pocket of the Southeast with Mississippi, Georgia and Florida a “shivery, wet and slushy?”

Wet snow is still snow, right?

With a cold January comes a mild February; the Almanac is predicting the second month of the new year to calm any signs of more winter weather.

What does the National Weather Service say?

If you were hoping for snow, the National Weather Service may have bad news for you.

The National Weather Service has predicted “warmer-than-average conditions in western Alaska, the Central Great Basin, and Southwest extending through the Southern Plains, which is due to the ongoing La Niña creating drier, warmer than normal conditions.

If you were hoping for snow, the National Weather Service may have bad news for you.
If you were hoping for snow, the National Weather Service may have bad news for you.

The southwest forecast will extend into the southeastern portions of the U.S.

Which forecast are you hoping for? Leave us a comment.