Social media slays Italian football team after extremely ill-advised haka


What in the world was AC Milan thinking?

The Italian football club was behind a cringeworthy ripoff of the haka Thursday as part of a promotion for a skincare company. The dance is traditionally performed by New Zealand's Māori people, and has become known around the world thanks to the country's sporting teams, who perform it with respect, and you know, a genuine understanding of its cultural significance.

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The utterly astounding performance came before a Serie A match against Carpi. The dance was dubbed the "Tekitanka," and slogans that read "Men, this is your ritual!" were displayed along the stadium's sideboards. The club even boasted about it on Twitter.

The haka was performed by a group of actors and not the actual team, according to the ABC. Can you imagine club legends Paolo Maldini, Gennaro Gattuso or Clarence Seedorf performing a fake haka for their sponsors? It would never happen.

The fake haka also included the group motioning the act of scrubbing their face and body and washing their hands. Yuck.

Unsurprisingly, no one on social media was impressed.

Some thought it exemplified everything that is wrong with football today, while others were pretty certain New Zealand was going to declare war on Italy for the corporate abomination. 

Probably best to leave the haka to the All Blacks, boys.