Social networks at work: democratic or dangerous?

Facebook's Workplace has been quickly adopted by 30,000 firms including easyJet, Spotify, RBS and Walmart, the world’s third-biggest employer. - AFP or licensors
Facebook's Workplace has been quickly adopted by 30,000 firms including easyJet, Spotify, RBS and Walmart, the world’s third-biggest employer. - AFP or licensors

Once upon a time, sitting at your desk liking and swiping was a good way to annoy your boss. Most companies saw social media use as a distraction or a risk to be managed, and many banned Facebook and Twitter from their networks. Yet today, some of the world’s biggest employers are doing the opposite: coaxing and cajoling workers to sign up to a new form of social media designed for workplace. 

Among the first was Yammer, a Facebook clone for companies and teams launched in 2008 and bought by Microsoft in 2012. Then there was Slack, the quirky office chat app which spread like wildfire through the tech industry, roughly doubling its revenue each year.

Microsoft responded by launching Teams, a collaboration and chat tool tied in to Microsoft Office which now has 200,000 firms on board. Even Google Plus, which is being shut down for consumers after exposing the personal data of 500,000 people, will persist as an enterprise product. After a long stagnation, “enterprise social networking” seems to be gaining pace.

Yet perhaps the most interesting player is Facebook itself. Its app, called Workplace, began in 2011 as an internal tool, but became public two years ago. On the surface it is almost identical to Facebook: users can chat, create groups, react to posts and broadcast live video. But it is funded by subscriptions rather than advertising, and the data it generates is only accessible to the companies that use it.

The company has had to work hard to build trust from enterprise customers, who don’t want their suppliers to “move fast and break things” (as Facebook’s motto once boasted). Workplace has been quickly adopted by 30,000 firms including easyJet, Spotify, RBS and Walmart, the world’s third-biggest employer.

Twilight of the CEOs

Facebook’s sales pitch is typically messianic. At its “Flow” conference this month in Menlo Park, California, speakers gave witness to the “magic” of Workplace in an atmosphere one attendee described as “cult”-like. Managers from big-name clients described their “Workplace journeys”.

Julien Codorniou, who leads the project from Facebook’s HQ in London, explained what he called “the Workplace effect”: when previously isolated workers gain a new channel of communication which turns “companies into communities”.

“When you give everyone a voice and connect everyone in a company, great things happen,” Mr Codorniou told The Daily Telegraph. The idea is that by encouraging informal communication across different departments on a more equal basis, you encourage a sense of investment and allow new ideas to bubble up from the front line into management.

According to Vicki Huff Eckert at PWC, such systems will be increasingly necessary as more people work remotely (as an estimated 70 per cent of people now do for at least one day a week). “Millennials are now going into management roles, and they want to communicate with their employees using the technology they grew up with,” she said. Conversations that once took place in phone calls, meetings and cigarette breaks now increasingly happen online, meaning they can be shared across offices and time zones.

Moreover, many more people now have smartphones than when enterprise social media was first attempted. “What tends to happen with a lot of these systems is that different tribes within the company use them, but they're very hard to get everyone using,” said Rob Castaneda, chief executive of Service Rocket, a company that helps other companies adopt new technology. “All the solutions are very white collar based.”

For him, the ability of apps such as Workplace to run well on mobile phones helps include blue collar employees such as airline crew or factory workers, who are often culturally separate from head-office colleagues.  Ms Eckert believes that in turn will “flatten” office hierarchies, forcing chief executives to be more accessible and more accountable to their staff.

Daily fix

Hard evidence about productivity or profit is elusive, but many business leaders said they had observed happier employees and better work processes, as well as big reductions in email use. Jen Baxter at GlaxoSmithKline said Workplace had helped introverted scientists collaborate in a way that suited them. 

There, perhaps, lies a danger. Slack has been criticised as distracting, an addictive pseudo video game that obliterates employees’ concentration by obliging them to reply quickly to the merest of trifles. “It normalises interruptions, multitasking and distractions,” wrote Abe Winter, a tech worker. “[It] will give attention deficit disorder to your whole company.”

Workplace is gentler, but many speakers at Flow discussed using the same arsenal of habit-forming tricks already infamous in consumer social media to get their employees on board. "As [employers] are swiping to look at one social media tool, they'll immediately start swiping with another," said Delta Airlines' Charisse Evans. The risk is that enterprise social networks create more busywork for employees – while making employers dependent on the networks.

Another potential problem is what kind of communication such services might encourage. “The design of the software leads to very different behaviour from people,” said Greg Moran, operations chief for Wiretap, a company that uses AI to scan enterprise social media for abusive or dangerous messages. “They encourage a chattiness and a back and forth … the conversational or informal nature of these platforms creates more problematic content.”

He points to Uber – which fired its chief executive and 20 other people last year after a former employee detailed sexual harassment she had received over the company chat app – and to Google, whose internal message board and private “meme generator” app were consumed by debate over an incendiary “anti-diversity” memo. 

A new form of control?

That in turn raises the question of surveillance. Few would object to using Wiretap’s tools to stop sexual harassment, prevent data leaks or analyse employees’ happiness in aggregate. But they could also be used to root out workers who are planning to leave their jobs or who make negative comments about a boss. 

Mr Moran said none of Wiretap's customers have asked for this, and that all of them have firewalls against its software being abused. Still, few employers in history have had the power to review every word spoken at their watercoolers. “I think of these things as a huge win for the employers,” said Jen King, director of consumer privacy at the Stanford Centre for Internet and Society. “And at what cost to the employees?”

For Jamie Woodcock, a sociologist who spent six months working undercover in a British call centre, this is just the latest way in which employers are using technology to increase control of their workers. He sees office social networks as kind of land grab that brings all employees' conversations into an authorised, monitored channel.

He contrasted it with the use of private Whatsapp groups by Deliveroo couriers to organise industrial action, and cited the American company Lanetix, which is accused of pressuring its workers not to speak to each other on a private Slack channel. Indeed, one Flow panelist spoke proudly of using Workplace to replace unofficial Facebook groups where "misinformation" was being shared.

Alternatively, such AI tools might prove unreliable. “The privacy risks are no different than desktop monitoring of internet usage, email monitoring, etc,” said Albert Gidari, a veteran privacy lawyer who once negotiated for Google and now works at the Stanford Centre. But, he said, “you can imagine an employer learning through AI that an employee is disgruntled and firing them, and then you can imagine the employee suing for wrongful termination and the court being interested in the algorithm. We will learn a lot about how accurate these tools are in the future and whether they can be relied upon for employment decisions.”

This may only be the beginning. Right now, social networks at work are mainly a tool for communication, but in future the data they generate could be used to improve business practices, analyse teams' relationships or even judge the performance of individual employees. “Hey, the last five people who got promoted out of your position had these characteristics,” suggested Mr Moran, hypothetically. "Here's some ways you might improve your chances.”

That, he insisted, will require a debate about how much information our society wants managers to have and how they should be allowed to use it. But if enterprise social media is anything like personal social media, it could become ubiquitous before that debate even starts.

Disclosure: The Daily Telegraph newsroom uses both Slack and Workplace.
