This Soft-But-Powerful Kettlebell Is Just What Your Home Gym Need

Photo credit: XD Fit
Photo credit: XD Fit

From Men's Health

The classic kettlebell is one of the most versatile and indispensable home workout tools. A single kettlebell offers you a chance to blast your legs (squats and lunges), build explosive strength (cleans and snatches), and craft the rock-solid, six-pack abs you've always wanted (getups and three-step getups).

It's all great, of course, until you drop that kettlebell after a tough set, leaving a kettlebell-sized mark on your pristine tile or wood floor.

Thankfully, though, XD has a fix for that very problem. Meet the XD Kevlar Kettlebell, a soft-but-powerful kettlebell that's basically begging to be dropped in your living room. XD's unique soft-bottom take on the classic kettlebell does no harm to your floor, but it's still big and powerful enough to challenge you in workouts. The durable steel handles are easy to grasp when doing deadlifts and farmer's carries. They're still durable, though, so you don't ever have to worry when you're doing powerful snatches or kettlebell swings.

The Kevlar Kettlebell even delivers a unique advantage over standard kettlebells, too: The soft body doesn't sting when it crashes into your biceps during cleans, or when it hits your wrist if your snatch technique is just-slightly off. It only gently makes contact with your skin, essentially a heavily-weighted stuffed animal.

Except stuffed animals have never pushed your heart rate into the stratosphere the way the Kevlar kettlebell can during a set of swings. And with a weight of up to 50 pounds, it'll deliver challenge to almost any workout.

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