Solve Your Muscle Imbalances By Using a Push-Pull Workout Split

Photo credit: Westend61 - Getty Images
Photo credit: Westend61 - Getty Images

This is Your Quick Training Tip, a chance to learn how to work smarter in just a few moments so you can get right to your workout.

When it comes to weightlifting, one of the most common (and understandable) mistakes is focusing on “mirror muscles.” Your chest, biceps, abs, and quads are most noticeable in the mirror, and they’re also your body’s biggest head-turners. That's a big reason these muscle groups appear prominently in most people's workouts. But that’s also the reason why many men end up with rounded shoulders and a neglected, underdeveloped posterior chain.

The classic way to rectify your imbalances is to adjust your weekly training plan to perform two pulling exercises for every pushing exercise that you do for a few months. But an even easier solution—especially if you’d like to avoid any math in your training plan—is to rethink your workouts entirely: follow a push/pull training split.

The idea is as simple as it sounds. Day one of your training week focuses on pushing exercises such as the bench press, shoulder press, and dip. On day two, the emphasis shifts to pulling exercises (e.g., row, pullup, and biceps curl). What about the lower body, you ask? That’s the next part of the traditional push/pull trifecta—day three is leg day.

The beauty of this training split is threefold. First, it helps you eliminate muscle imbalances by making it harder for you to play favorites with those common muscle groups. Second, it guarantees that your posterior chain (i.e., the part of your body largely responsible for explosive power and dynamic athleticism) doesn’t get short shrift in your training plan. And third, it makes sure that you don’t hammer any one muscle group too frequently.

Your move: Implement the push/pull/legs training split as part of your periodized training plan. But here’s the key to optimizing its effectiveness: Repeat the three-part split twice a week. That way, you make sure that you hit each muscle group often enough to optimize your gains.

Just as important, you’ll always give yourself at least 48 hours to recover between workouts that target the same regions. In short, it virtually guarantees that you’ll live in the strength training sweet spot.

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