Someone left a poignant note for Christine Blasey Ford ahead of the Kavanaugh hearing

An unknown individual left a note for Christine Blasey Ford Thursday ahead of her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The note, which was placed on a witness table and written on Senate stationary, reads, "Good luck, Dr. Ford." 

It's a kind gesture, probably, but it's also a little foreboding.

SEE ALSO: #DearProfessorFord: Actresses support Brett Kavanaugh's accuser ahead of hearings

Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are testifying before the Judiciary Committee regarding Ford's accusation that Kavanaugh — who is up for a spot on the U.S. Supreme Court — sexually assaulted her at a high school party in 1982. 

Since Ford made her accusations in a letter written to Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, which was subsequently leaked to the press, multiple other accusers have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct. Kavanaugh has vociferously denied the allegations, including during a televised interview with — where else — Fox News.

Additional reporting by Marcus Gilmer