Something to Think About: Parks in Poconos benefit locals, visitors alike

The Poconos has long been known for its natural beauty. Both residents and visitors alike benefit from the presence of both the preserved lands of the Delaware National Recreation Area as well as the many parks of townships and boroughs. July is celebrated as the nation's official Parks and Recreation Month.

The benefits of having parks near by are many. During the warmer months it’s easy to see families and friends gathered to celebrate one occasion or another at a local park. There are children enjoying the playgrounds. And often there are those taking advantage of one of the many trails, courts or pools offered in parks to get some fresh air and physical activity.

The importance of physical activity has become a key factor in the health of Americans.

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Active People, Healthy Nation is a national initiative led by CDC to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027. Increased physical activity can improve health, quality of life, and reduce health care costs.

Regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of at least 20 chronic diseases and conditions and provide effective treatment for many of these conditions. Other potential benefits include better school performance and improved military readiness. In addition, building active and walkable communities can help support local economies, result in less air pollution, and create more cohesive communities.

Regular physical activity benefits our health and activity friendly places benefit our communities. However, too few Americans get the recommended amount of physical activity. Only about 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 6 high school students fully meet physical activity guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities.

columnist Debbie Kulick
columnist Debbie Kulick

For adults, more physical activity can provide both immediate and long-term health positive results. Those include a lower risk of: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, stroke, colon cancer, breast cancer and perhaps the most compelling, early death.

Physical activity also is known to help with weight loss and reducing depression.

Getting the kids out and active has life-long benefits! Aside from reducing screen time, getting physical activity will help improve academic performance, by improving attention span and memory. Helps reduce the risk of long-term chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. Especially important as they grow, this helps everything from brain health (reducing depression) to building strong muscles and endurance, helping maintain good cardiac health and strengthening bones.

All of this is to say, there are many great parks in the Poconos. While it’s easy to sit home and binge another program or surf the web, getting out and enjoying the fresh air and activities offered have great benefits that are, as they say, priceless!

Debbie Kulick writes a weekly news column for the Pocono Record and Tri-County Independent. She serves on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic as an EMT.

This article originally appeared on Pocono Record: Debbie Kulick: Parks in Poconos benefit locals, visitors alike