SOS 101: Voter Registration in Texas

Sep. 8—AUSTIN — Texas Secretary of State John Scott released via press release on Thursday the first installment of 'SOS 101,' a series of videos educating voters about election administration in Texas ahead of the Nov. 8 General Election.

In the first SOS 101 video, Secretary Scott provides an overview of the voter registration process in Texas, including how eligible Texans can register to vote, how county voter registrars process voter registration applications, and how voter rolls in each of Texas' 254 counties are maintained for accuracy.

Texas voters are reminded the deadline to register for the Nov. 8 General Election is Oct. 11.

Secretary Scott also visits with Brazos County Elections Administrator Trudy Hancock to discuss voter registration in her county.

"Today, you'll be learning about one of your most important civic duties as a Texas voter — registering to vote," Secretary Scott says in the video.

"Whether you're registering to vote for the first time or need to update your information on your record, make sure and visit and select 'Voter Registration' to learn everything you need to know about voter registration in Texas."

"Brazos County is up to 123,000 voters," Elections Administrator Trudy Hancock explains in the video.

"Right now, we're having Volunteer Deputy Registrars come in dropping off new applications. We're a college town, we have over 70,000 students here, so they're working hard at the campus to get those young folks registered."