South Carolina Senior Makes History Becoming High School’s First Black Homecoming Queen

South Carolina Senior Makes History Becoming High School’s First Black Homecoming Queen | Luba
South Carolina Senior Makes History Becoming High School’s First Black Homecoming Queen | Luba

A South Carolina, high school senior made history by being voted her first Black homecoming queen since the school opened in 1867. Amber Wilsondebriano, 17, did not think she would win when first nominated.

“However, throughout the week, when I was campaigning, many students told me they were voting for me,” she told USA Today. “When the day came, and my name was called, I was relieved and honored because I knew I was a part of history.”

Wilsondebriano is one of Charleston’s Porter-Gaud High School’s best students. She has a 4.66 GPA and founded several clubs at the institution. This includes the Black Excellence Society, which serves as a safe space for Black students attending the school.

“There are less than 10 Black people in my senior class,” she said. “When we have our meetings, every Black student in the school can fit in one classroom.”

The senior says she has received full support from school officials.

“I can’t say enough how supportive the school has been of the club,” Wilsondebriano said. “They have funded catering for us and gave us a classroom to hold our meetings. I appreciate the school very much.”

Wilsondebriano was crowned homecoming queen during the ceremony during halftime at a football game part of Porter-Gaud’s Homecoming week.

“It’s remarkable how far this country has progressed,” her father told ABC News 4. “This achievement is a testament to Dr. King’s dream of the day we can all be judged, not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.”

The Wilsondebrianos moved from New York to Charleston after the 17-year-old’s father was injured in the 9/11 attacks while working for the FDNY EMS as a medic first responder. They opened their own company, Charleston Gourmet Burger Company, with products sold at retailers such as Macy’s, Whole Foods and Walmart.

The student plans to major in Painting at The Savannah College of Art and Design in Fall 2024. She taught herself how to paint and wants to build her career by illustrating and writing children’s books. Ultimately, Wilsondebriano’s goal is to start her own business surrounding books.

“Amber is a very special child,” her mother said. “She has taught herself how to paint. She is such a blessing. It’s not surprising to me that the kids voted for her to become queen. She is a good friend and is very loyal.”