Southeastern Elementary visited by Smokey Bear, gets check from ODNR

CHILLICOTHE— Students at Southeastern elementary school received a special visit from Ohio Department of Natural Resources Director Mary Mertz and Smokey Bear during a recent assembly. The pair was at the school to present a $151,515 check from the Trees to Textbooks program run by ODNR.

Through this program a percentage of the revenue generated from state forest management activity goes to the county, township and school district in which the activity took place. Since the program started in 1999 over $34 million have been shared with local schools and governments. Southeastern was one of 16 schools to receive funding from this program this year.

Mertz first spoke with students about the importance of trees and the two local state parks, Scioto Trail and Tar Hollow. She asked students what their favorite things were that trees made, answers ranged from flooring and books to toilet paper. Mertz said it was exciting to be able to visit the schools and give this donation.

"We know we are going to leave a better learning experience for them," said Mertz.

State Representative Mark Johnson also spoke to students. He gave them an overview of his job and talked about how important this program is. He also noted how cutting down trees helps keep the forest healthy and helps wildlife.

Before his grand entrance students watched an animated video with the Smokey Bear Song which tells all about Smokey and his mission to prevent wildfires. after the video Smokey entered the assembly waving at all the kids. His handler, since Smokey does not talk, led students in cheers of "always be careful" and helped them make the fire safety pledge. During this pledge students promised to "never ever" play with matches or fire.

Southeastern Superintendent Brian Justice said the school greatly looks forward to ODNR's visit and that the money is a great help. Justice said the money helps provide teachers with the materials they need for classrooms it also frees up other money that can be used to keep the facility running smoothly.

"It is a tremendous program," said Justice.

Shelby Reeves is a reporter for the Chillicothe Gazette. You can email her at or follow her on Twitter @Shelby_Reeves_

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Southeastern Elementary visited by Smokey Bear, gets check from ODNR