Southridge Mall Reopens To Shoppers

GREENDALE, WI — "We’re Open. Welcome Back." That was the announcement made on the Southridge Mall's website Wednesday morning as the mall welcomes back shoppers after a two-month-long absence due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in Wisconsin.

Mall officials said they're taking several precautions to help prevent the spread of the virus.

According to mall officials, hand sanitizing stations have been set up throughout the mall. Preemptive employee health screenings have been set up to so that employees do not arrive at work within 72 hours of exhibiting COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, officials said.

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The mall will also look and function differently than it did before the pandemic. According to mall officials, social distancing practices are encouraged.

The mall will limit how many people can be in each store, have spaced out furniture to conform with social distancing guidelines, and have closed play areas and stroller rental services.

Traffic flow has also been adjusted to conform with social distance guidelines as well, mall officials said.

“The health, safety and well-being of the community we serve will always be our highest priority, and we have developed a thorough and detailed set of protocols highlighting the exceptional measures we’ve implemented for shoppers, retailers and employees as we reopen,” said Mary Mokwa, General Manager at Southridge Mall in a statement.

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This article originally appeared on the Greendale Patch