Updates: SpaceX Axiom-2 launches four astronauts from Kennedy Space Center

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Update: Liftoff of SpaceX Falcon 9 at 5:37 p.m. EDT from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, followed by a first-stage booster landing at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station's Landing Zone 1.

SpaceX teams at Kennedy Space Center's pad 39A in Florida are working toward liftoff today, Sunday, May 21, at 5:37 p.m. EDT for the Axiom-2 astronaut mission to the International Space Station.

Everything you need to know before liftoff:

  • Falcon 9 will launch a Crew Dragon capsule with four private passengers on a roughly ten-day mission to the International Space Station. It will mark the second all-private mission to the ISS contracted with NASA.

  • Former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, Axiom Space director of human spaceflight, will command the mission and is joined by one private spaceflight participant and two government-sponsored astronauts:

    • Mission Specialists Ali Alqarni and Rayyanah Barnawi: The second and third Saudi citizens to fly to space and the first to visit the ISS, and the first Saudi Arabian government-sponsored astronauts

  • Weather is expected to be 60% "go" this evening.

  • The rocket's first stage will target a landing back at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station's Landing Zone.

    • Spectators should expect a local sonic boom upon the booster's return.

  • If Falcon 9 launches Sunday, Crew Dragon should arrive at the ISS at 9:30 a.m. ET Monday, May 22.

For the latest, visit floridatoday.com/launchschedule.

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The Dragon Freedom is in orbit:

5:49 p.m. EDT: The Dragon Freedom crew capsule has separated from the Falcon 9 upper stage and is in a nominal orbit on its way to the International Space Station. Docking is expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT Monday. May 22.

–Jamie Groh

The Falcon has landed:

5:45 p.m. EDT: SpaceX confirms landing of the Falcon 9 first-stage booster at Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. This is the first land landing for a crewed mission for SpaceX.

–Jamie Groh

Falcon 9 stage separation:

5:40 p.m. EDT: The Falcon 9 first stage booster has separated from the upper stage and Dragon capsule. As a reminder the first stage booster is working back for a landing at Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Here's the remaining timeline milestones:


  • 00:02:29 minutes 1st and 2nd stages separate

  • 00:02:37 minutes 2nd stage engine starts

  • 00:02:39 minutes Boostback Burn Start

  • 00:03:28 minutes Boostback Burn End

  • 00:06:25 minutes 1st stage entry burn

  • 00:07:31 minutes 1st stage landing burn

  • 00:07:58 minutes 1st stage landing

  • 00:08:47 minutes 2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-1)

  • 00:11:58 minutes Dragon separates from 2nd stage

  • 00:12:46 minutes Dragon nosecone open sequence begins–Jamie Groh


5:37 p.m. EDT: SpaceX Falcon 9 liftoff from Pad 39A for the Axiom-2 mission from Kennedy Space Center.

–Jamie Groh

"Go" for launch:

5:35 p.m. EDT: According to SpaceX the anvil cloud has cleared and from a weather standpoint, the launch is "go."

The leak seems to be cleared for launch as well.

–Jamie Groh

Launch status update:

5:29 p.m. EDT: SpaceX is tracking no issues aboard Dragon. Weather is currently a slight concern, though. The weather officer is tracking an anvil cloud that is 5 miles away from Pad 39A. An anvil cloud is capable of producing rocket-triggered lightning if a rocket launches through it, so SpaceX and Space Force teams are continuing to watch it. It has to remain 3 miles away from Pad 39A for the launch to proceed.

The team is still evaluating the pressure leak and will make a determination about the status at T-minus 35 seconds.

Ax-2 Commander Peggy Whitson: "Let Freedom fly!"

–Jamie Groh

Falcon 9 fueling underway:

5:15 p.m. EDT: SpaceX is well into the process of fueling the Falcon 9 rocket and everything is proceeding as planned. No further information about the small leak just yet.

–Jamie Groh

Ax-2 Commander Peggy Whitson reports "Go" for launch:

4:55 p.m. EDT: Peggy Whitson, Ax-2 Commander, said: "Dragon is "go" for launch of the Axiom mission 2, a culmination of tireless effort of thousands from all around the world. Without your support the second private astronaut mission to the International Space Station would not be possible. Today we stand on the threshold of a remarkable journey thanks to your unwavering spirit to explore beyond our home planet and the endless possibility it enables. Thanks to the teams that make up our very big family Axiom Space, NASA, the international space partners, and SpaceX. And with that, let's get to work and build some history together."

SpaceX teams will continue to monitor the pressure of the small leak on the first stage until T-minus 35 seconds, at that point, if the pressure is not acceptable, SpaceX will call a hold of today's launch attempt.

At this time, the Crew Access Arm has begun to retract away from the rocket. Falcon 9 fueling should begin momentarily.

–Jamie Groh

T-minus 60 minutes

4:37 p.m. EDT: At T-minus one hour to liftoff, everything remains on track. Teams are keeping an eye on weather (currently 75% "go") and a potential technical issue with the rocket's first stage (small leak in attitude control system), but otherwise there are no pre-launch dealbreakers right now. Stay tuned.

–Emre Kelly

More sonic booms: SpaceX squeezes extra performance out of Falcon 9 rocket for more Cape landings

Everything remains on schedule:

4:10 p.m. EDT: SpaceX launch and crew support personnel are leaving the launch pad in preparation to begin fueling procedures.

–Jamie Groh

Extreme travel guide for space: Can astronauts eat, tweet, shower, FaceTime, and use TikTok or Spotify in space?

Dragon capsule hatch closed & leak check passed:

4:00 p.m. EDT: SpaceX confirms that the side hatch of the Dragon capsule has been closed and the final leak check before launch has been completed and passed. Here's a look at the remaining pre-launch milestones to get through:


  • 00:45:00 minutes SpaceX Launch Director verifies go for propellant load

  • 00:42:00 minutes Crew access arm retracts

  • 00:39:00 minutes Dragon's launch escape system is armed

  • 00:35:00 minutes RP-1 (rocket grade kerosene) loading begins

  • 00:35:00 minutes 1st stage LOX (liquid oxygen) loading begins

  • 00:16:00 minutes 2nd stage LOX loading begins

  • 00:07:00 minutes Falcon 9 begins engine chill prior to launch

  • 00:05:00 minutes Dragon transitions to internal power

  • 00:01:00 minutes Command flight computer to begin final pre-launch checks

  • 00:01:00 minutes Propellant tank pressurization to flight pressure begins

  • 00:00:45 seconds SpaceX Launch Director verifies go for launch

  • 00:00:03 seconds Engine controller commands engine ignition sequence to start

  • 00:00:00 Falcon 9 liftoff

–Jamie Groh

Welcome to live launch coverage:

3:36 p.m. EDT: We are live from Kennedy Space Center where SpaceX, NASA, and Axiom Space are all counting down to the launch of today's Axiom-2 all-private mission destined for the International Space Station.

Weather looks acceptable with a projected 60% chance of "go" liftoff conditions as clocks continue to countdown to a 5:37 p.m. EDT liftoff attempt from pad 39A.

The Ax-2 crew members have ingressed into the Dragon Freedom spacecraft at Pad 39A and are going through final checkouts before liftoff.

Stay tuned as we get closer to fueling and liftoff.

–Jamie Groh

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Updates: SpaceX Axiom-2 launches four astronauts from KSC