Spain smashes heat records for December

STORY: Spain is smashing temperature records for December

as a mass of hot air sweeps over the Iberian Peninsula

Temperatures reached 86 degrees Fahrenheit

in the south, delaying the start of winter sports

(Ruben del Campo, AEMET spokesperson)

"At the moment for this winter season, of course it does not seem that there will be significant snowfall in the coming days and more in long-term, forecasts point to a quarter of the year, December, January and February, that is warmer than normal and in general rain will not be very abundant either. Therefore, at first it doesn't seem like the snowy season is going to be very good, but we will have to wait a little longer to see what finally happens."

Winter snow is also a crucial water resource

for the spring and summer months

Spain’s national weather agency is forecasting

a drop in temperatures in the coming days

The warmth comes after a summer with

four heatwaves, amid the hottest year on record