The Spanish Inquisition: Enough with the Jan. 6 hearings!

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Will these Democrats and RINOs never stop their whining? So a few thousand people stormed the Capitol a year and a half ago. So it made for bad TV. So a handful of folks, including police officers, died. So they scared some senators and congressmen and chanted a little about hanging the vice president. So they did it all because Congress was counting the electoral votes and making Joe Biden president, and Donald Trump told them it was all a fraud and they believed it. This is suddenly something we have to hold prime-time hearings about? What’s next, hearings about Watergate? Benghazi?

“They wanted to overturn the election,” whine the whiners. They call it a coup. Please! They just wanted to see the Capitol — tours can be hard to get — and give some of the members of Congress a piece of their mind. Sure, if the election happened to get overturned in the process, that would’ve been a bonus, but that’s not what they were setting out to do.

Besides, let’s be honest. Deep down, everyone knows Trump really won. He really won Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and all the other states that were close. Maybe New York, too, because people really really like him there. Don’t trust the “results”; there were lots of lawn signs, and not that long ago, “Apprentice” ratings were through the roof.

There’s so much fraud you wouldn’t believe. We know this because of the evidence. You know, all the evidence that people who voted weren’t really people, and that corrupt Democrat election officials counted votes that weren’t really votes. It’s all there. It’s in boxes probably. We could explain it to you but you wouldn’t understand.

The culture-canceling left-wing wants to silence those of us who want to overthrow democracy and install our own leader. They want the “will of the people” to choose the president. But which people? The people in the majority? What about the people not in the majority? Why don’t they get a vote? Why don’t they get a president?