SPARE CHANGE: Like it or not, the Middletown Center development is going to happen

So much for vox populi.

This week, a parade of Middletown voters told the Town Council they want a referendum to determine the fate of the proposed Middletown Center Project at West Main Road and Coddington Highway.

Opponents ripped the proposed project for its inclusion of a hotel, especially when there are 90 homeless students attending town schools.

The council agreed that homeless students and lack of affordable housing are significant problems. On the whole, the council countered with nearly unanimous (and largely enthusiastic) support for the plan, hotel and all.

Jim Gillis.
Jim Gillis.

Councilor Terri Flynn pushed for the referendum on the project (which is heavily unpopular on the town webpage, but that’s not a fully scientific poll). Flynn missed Monday’s meeting because of illness.

It wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

More: Should voters decide on Middletown Center development proposal? Town Council says no.

After everyone had their say, Town Solicitor Peter Regan told the Council a referendum at this point would violate an agreement with the developers. That is unless developers agreed to it.

Why would they? You’d have a better chance of finding oil in the yard, a la Jed Clampett.

Some topics require voter approval, such as school regionalization, but not in this case.

And council members reminded the audience they, in most cases, are elected to make decisions for voters. Also, they said changing to a ballot question option would be unprecedented.

Bottom line: This development will happen.

Me? I’d prefer a mixed-use project — some larger retail stores, a fully revamped recreation area (one that won’t disrespect the late Army National Guard Sgt. Christopher Potts, killed in Iraq in 2004), some realistically priced housing units and a modernized library in public view … AND NO HOTEL.

Letters to the editor: Translating developers' comments over Middletown Center

There are already 22 hotels in Middletown. (Yes, I know the developers say a hotel is a deal-breaker. Well, get creative and look for other open land).

But that’s all moot. I think the project has four solid yes votes.

Councilor M. Theresa Santos grew up on a farm on West Main Road. She has changed her mind about the project, preferring walking paths and a revamped library (which would be town’s responsibility).

“Leave it alone,” she said of the land.

Councilor Dennis Turano said he wants to see more “financials” before fully committing, and Flynn was absent.

Everyone else is waving pom-poms. Councilors said they’ve heard a ton from voters through emails, phone calls, texts, chats on the street.

Christoper Logan said the people he talks to are close to evenly split.

Previously: Town Council puts backing behind Middletown Center project as it moves forward

Don’t forget Middletown is struggling financially. And supporters have argued that a new complex means jobs.

Those in charge want this center built quickly, with tax revenue pouring in the moment the hotel and stores turn on the power.

The only thing left for opponents to do is to take out their frustrations at election time.

Keep in mind, the council members were polite to to the opponents … no cutting off people or condescension.

But this referendum idea was dead on arrival.

Vox populi is the voice of the people. But the vox gets listened to more intently when the populi has clout and cash.

Jim Gillis is a Daily News columnist. Send him email at

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: SPARE CHANGE: Like it or not, the Middletown Center is going to happen