Sparta parental choice slate secures clean sweep in 17-way school board race

A team of Sparta candidates running under a "Students First" banner prevailed in a crowded field of 17 candidates for the township Board of Education, in a race that typified the hotly contested school elections that swept New Jersey this year.

According to preliminary results from the Sussex County Clerk's Office, Lauren Collier (3,441 votes), Kurt Morris (3,432 votes) and Leigh McMichael (2,949 votes) secured a trio of three-year board terms in the largest of four contested board races in the county.

Walter Knapp (3,817), LeeAnne Pitzer (3,771) and Christina Longo-Keiling (3,763) earned three one-year, unexpired terms on the board, which has nine seats in total.

All six presumed winners ran together on a platform that highlighted parental choice and transparency in curriculum, along with promoting shared services to improve the value of property taxes.

The throng of candidates was among the largest in North Jersey this year, when hundreds of newcomers chose to run for school board amid disputes over the state's new sexual education standards, how to teach history and diversity and other hot-button issues.

"We are thrilled the people of Sparta showed up in support of our children!" Collier said in a statement on behalf of the Students First team early Wednesday morning. "We are honored to serve on our Sparta Board of Education and thank the people of Sparta for their incredible support!"

Incumbents Niamh Grano, Jennifer Miller and Patrick McKernan were among the candidates they defeated. Collier and Morris are also incumbent board members and will retain their seats.

The contest featured another six-member team, billed as "Advocating for All." That slate finished in fourth, fifth and sixth place for both the three-year and one-year terms, according to the early totals.

"Although the outcome was not what we were hoping for, we are immensely proud of the campaign we've run and what we have accomplished during this time," ticket member Kaitlin Gagnon said in a text message. "We look forward to continuing to support our students, teachers, and staff and we believe the community will be much more involved in our school board processes going forward."

Live updates:Election night: Malinowski concedes to Kean; local results roll in

More: Sparta school board hopefuls tackle sex-ed, diversity, overcrowding at election forum

The 17-way race drove 15-year Sparta resident Ian Hamilton to the polls on Tuesday. The board of education was where “the biggest differences were being made,” the father of two said.

Hamilton was generally in agreement with the state’s sex education standards, which he said were reflective of a changing world, as long as the school taught them in age-appropriate ways.

“I do think there’s never easy ways to broach some of these subjects and maybe the age needs to be appropriate, but generally, you can’t just hide from topics like this," he said.

On the other end of the spectrum was parent Valerie Fresolone. She said she was disillusioned by remote schooling during COVID, and that grew into mistrust over the state sex-ed standards and lessons about racism in schools.

Longtime Sparta residents said at the polls that the township was small enough that they knew board candidates personally and were voting for individuals, not groups campaigning on a slate. They also said that while they were hesitant about new sex education standards introducing mature concepts to younger students, they also trusted school officials and were willing to wager that they would do their job and teach age-appropriate material.

"I’m not as concerned about the sex-ed stuff after looking into it further," said Brook Ganguzza, who went through Sparta schools and returned to raise his three kids there. He "looked into" the standards and felt that he could trust the school to create its own curricula.

Other Sussex County races

In Frankford, newcomers Jamie Aromando (1,540 votes), Leif Andersen (1,538 votes) and John Tiger (1,384 votes) won three, three-year terms on the school board, according to preliminary totals. The trio ran as a “Conservative Frankford Parents” team and defeated incumbent Lara Longberg (902) and Andrew Lubchansky (887), a former school board member.

Totals from Hardyston show the team of Tony Alfano (1,701), Jean Barrett (1,650) and Edward Reinle (1,381), running under the “Kids First” slogan, earning three seats over incumbent board members Michele Van Allen (1,194) and Brian Drelick (751) and challenger Kristy Lavin (1,147).

In Vernon, totals show incumbents Joseph Sweeney (4,659), Kelly Mitchell (4,150) and Jennifer Pellet (3,129) retaining three seats on the school board over challengers Charles Cimaglia (2,875), Elaine Colianni (2,683) and Francis Pietrowski (1,085).

Staff writer Mary Ann Koruth contributed to this report.

Kyle Morel is a local reporter covering Morris and Sussex counties.

Email:; Twitter: @KMorelNJH

This article originally appeared on New Jersey Herald: Sparta NJ School Board election swept by 'Students First' slate