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Jul. 16—Supreme Court CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN ROBERTS is concerned about the public's ... attacks on the court. Then maybe the court should start making decisions based on the Constitution and not the Bible. JP (RE:) shooting at Century Rio theater, I think they should DISCONTINUE RESERVED SEATING; the same thing happened to me. I called the manager only to find out the other party didn't pay (and) tried to get in free. Go back to first-come, first-serve. Discontinue reserve seating. RA To JMB, July 2 SpeakUp!, asking about TERM LIMITS for Congress. Congress has term limits already as they have to re-run every two or six depending on if House or Senate. SCOTUS is for life. ... DL If Christians can now DISCRIMINATE AGAINST LGBTQ+ and non-Christians, are non-Christians free to not provide services to Christians? What is this country coming to? JLW TC there is no need to have an ADOPTION HOTLINE. People looking to adopt know who to call and where to go. You can't just call up a hotline, request a baby, then expect Uber to deliver. Abortion hotline is necessary. RW We retired, moved to ABQ because we love N.M. But the recent RANDOM VIOLENCE in the city is making us feel bad about our decision. How, when can we get the undercurrent of hate and anger in this place under control? Our longtime neighbor says "no, never." Tragic. EM More than 90,000 metric tons of highly radioactive wastes from power and weapons production are sitting in temporary storage facilities, some since the 1940s. Some tanks have degraded and are leaking. Studies consistently show YUCCA MOUNTAIN to be a sound site for nuclear waste disposal. Your turn, Congress. BS Hey FASHIONISTAS — when did you go away? Men wear nice suits that will not button in front. The suit is dark with tan shoes and no socks. You gals just will not keep the hair out of your eyes. BB Christian Watson's defense against DEI (July 2 Sunday Journal) was spot on. You cannot force people to accept others based upon their differences. Instead of demeaning those who have different opinions, we should encourage the STRENGTHS OF DIVERSITY, not the weaknesses. Employers will make the best hiring decisions when they need to. GH We were recently in northern Mexico, and it's very similar to New Mexico, except for all the LITTER, WEEDS, DRUGS AND CRIME that we have. People, it's time for our mayor to do his job for the people and not his party. We can change this poverty to prosperity. SS What a relief it is SCOTUS ruled in favor of no longer having to worry about being sued for refusing services to, and discriminating against, odious Trump-supporting Evangelicals in any capacity whatsoever. It's not a religious objection; it's a moral one. Period. DS The Journal misrepresents the case in the headline, "Designer can refuse to work with gay couples." The issue was the CONTENT OF THE SPEECH on the web design. The case made clear that designer was willing to work with gay people, but unwilling to write about a gay lifestyle. JRM N.M.'s gross receipts tax may be slightly lower, but INCOME TAX, especially on the remaining middle class and many seniors' Social Security, is significantly higher than our neighbors': Texas 0; Arizona flat 2.5%; Colorado flat 4.4%; Oklahoma 0.25%-4.75% (with) six income brackets. N.M.: 1.7% to 5.9% (with) 5 brackets. RJB I would like to know who funded the study concluding GAS STOVES emit evil fumes all the time causing asthma and other lung ailments. RW SANTA FE'S REAL ECONOMY, GDP, has been flatlined, stagnant, no growth, during the last 12 years. WAM Regarding President Biden's failed STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS program, I would like to suggest a compromise. Instead of forgiving the entire student loan, couldn't the students pay the principal of the loan and be given a pass on the interest? Seems fair to me. RF I wonder, is MLG a member of The Satanic Temple? She seems to be so desperate to make ABORTION A PRIORITY in our state, which TST supports. LM Lawyer ads on every TV channel in N.M., but our AG still has to bring in OUT-OF-STATE LAWYERS for litigation. Guess local lawyers are only good for bothersome commercials. DKL LGBTQ+ let those who love me, love me. And those who hate me, let them change their hearts. If they don't change their hearts, let them turn their ankles so that I may know them by their limping. LGBTQ+ you now know who is limping. Don't hate them, boycott them. CM On June 20, I arrived at Albuquerque International Airport. A friend met me and a traveling companion with our luggage and took us to the Marriott Pyramid Hotel. On arrival there, we discovered my backpack with a laptop computer was missing, apparently falling from the SUV before the hatch closed. Someone delivered the backpack with all contents to the hotel, apparently based on the itinerary in it. I would like to THANK THAT UNKNOWN PERSON publicly. PA HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF — liberals are overwrought over recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, vowing to "stack" the court in their favor. Sounds a lot like the conservatives who wanted to impeach former Chief Justice Earl Warren. Depends on whose ox is being gored, eh? JJG So now while over 1,000 Jan. 6 insurrectionists have been convicted and many are in prison, TRUMP IS EATING LOBSTER and playing golf at Mar-a-Lago. Yep, he really cares about them. Jeeshhh. JK Alex Bregman cheated. Sam BREGMAN lied. Like son, like father. RJB Rep. Jim Townsend of ARTESIA claims N.M. is not well served by investments in our film industry, which has produced $1.4 billion over two years, far less than Jim's favorite, the ultra-clean, pollution-free oil and gas industry. Have you ever been to Artesia? My goodness, what a garden spot. AH Uncle Sam could save a little bit of money by not funding NORAD's SANTA TRACKER AND UFOS. Both are make believe anyway. Sorry kids. BC "Man slain at movie theater was brother of state legislator." Gee, maybe post no-guns notice under N.M. trespass law and use METAL DETECTOR with armed security supervision? RN Why do we continue to spend billions of dollars listening to a blowhard like Donald Trump when we could be working on governing our country, feeding and housing the poor, even doing SOME GOOD FOR SOCIETY. Or do we just like scrarching old wounds until they bleed? HL I was amazed today to see protestors carrying signs that read "Asian Americans for Affirmative Action" in protest of the SCOTUS decision against affirmative action in college admissions. They don't seem to realize that AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in admissions discriminates against Asian Americans, Hispanics, whites and other groups! Why are you carrying that sign? BM So while the taxpayers (are) on the hook for the 8-million-dollar HAZING JUDGEMENT, the perpetrators are long gone and no doubt bringing the benefits of "thug life" at some other school. How about going after them for all the tax money that was wasted on their full ride scholarships? ED If ELECTRIC VEHICLES are so wonderful then why do Democrats feel the need to force them on everyone? KP The mayor revitalizes Downtown problems by making UPTOWN THE NEW DOWNTOWN — like a neighbor using a blower to brag how clean their yard is by simply blowing things to the neighbors. In the years to come we will see how bad Uptown becomes. Good neighborhoods will be ruined. DD Isaac Newton's Third Law states "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Does MLG realize that for every EV on the road there is that much LESS FUEL TAX dollars going into the state coffers? DN Not charging employees the actual cost of the state's share of HEALTH BENEFITS is the same as the Biden giveaway of student loan forgiveness. Both a blatant attempt to buy votes at taxpayers expense. AH Will the mayor, certain City Council members, their families and campaign donors benefit financially from the zoning change allowing CASITAS or accessory dwelling units in Albuquerque? TC Just like everything else neglected in this city, have they stopped spraying the SEWERS FOR ROACHES? I've lived here over 30 years and have never had this problem! CH In federal court, Trump pleaded NOT GUILTY with Walt Nauta standing beside him. When Nauta pleaded not guilty to his case, he was standing all alone. A familiar situation for some people in Trump's orbit. Free Walt with immunity. JMR I am a liberal Democrat. Nevertheless, I was dismayed when Democratic leaders ignored recommendations of the bipartisan panel on redistricting — gerrymandering in GOP style, although the GOP claim it is one of the most egregious in the U.S. is ridiculous. We should be pleased the courts are requiring review. JB If those who use Twitter and Tweet are Twits, are those who use THREADS "LINT"? RBC Will someone please explain to me how a CASITA located in the Foothills, Far NE Heights, Country Club neighborhoods, and other upscale areas and that likely rents for over $1,000/month will increase affordable housing and decrease homelessness? My guess is that it will just line pockets of developers. RJB Now that we have sued the pants out of the tobacco companies for causing lung cancer, COPD, coronary artery disease and stroke, when are our good lawyers GOING AFTER THE MARIJUANA SELLERS for the same? Oops, silly me! I forgot our legislators and governor pushed for this. OP