Sphinx moths in flight resemble hummingbirds

About this time every summer, I hear from folks exclaiming that they’re excited to have seen baby hummingbirds in their yard. Knowing that they share my fondness for the birds, the last thing I want to do is dampen their enthusiasm, so if I don’t have the opportunity to chat further about their sighting I’ll often just nod and smile.

I’ve observed hummingbirds closely for a couple of decades, including during many breeding seasons, and I still am usually not able to tell a recent fledgling from an adult female by anything other than behavior. Those who band hummingbirds and see them up close in the hand can see the grooved bill that distinguishes a newly minted bird from an adult, but at least with black-chinned hummingbirds — the common breeding species in our area — the plumage is the same.

Even more importantly, true for all hummingbird species is that the young remain in the nest until they are fully grown and thus adult-sized when they fledge. My usual clue for picking out a youngster, then, is its behavior, particularly a little clumsiness when landing on a branch or some uncertainty at a feeder.

So, what are these hummingbird imposters flying about during the daytime and nectaring at flowers? In our corner of the world, they’re likely to be a type of hawkmoth known as white-lined sphinx. Though they are especially noticeable at dawn and dusk, they also feed during the day, have bullet-shaped bodies and long narrow wings, and hover while gleaning nectar from flowers, much like hummingbirds do. Their slightly smaller size and striped pattern on the wings are what sets them apart, even when just a blur as they whiz by.

When seen up close, the patterning is quite pretty, with distinctive white-on-brown striping on the forewing and a patch of pink on the hindwing. Individuals are often remarkably tame, and lucky observers may get to glimpse the extremely long proboscis that unfurls to access nectar deep in flowers. Evening primroses and sacred datura are favored native wildflowers, but the moths take nectar from a wide variety of both desert and garden blooms, frequently alongside hummingbirds.

Adult sphinx moths are said to live 10 to 30 days, during which time they lay eggs on various host plants that will support growing caterpillars. The plump, yellow-green larva is known as a hornworm, because of the fleshy protuberance on its rear end, and may have black stripes along its back. Though closely related to both the tomato and tobacco hornworms, it is not usually regarded as a garden pest, as it usually prefers weedy plants like purslane, portulaca, spiderling and a variety of desert shrubs.

Some years we see mass movements of these hornworms locally, when large numbers migrate along the ground in search of looser soil to burrow into and pupate, where they will remain until conditions are right for them to emerge as adults and complete the cycle. Dripping Springs Road is one local spot where these caterpillar migrations often occur.

Whereas hummingbird numbers in my yard this summer have sadly been much lower than usual, with just a few youngsters I’ve been able to identify confidently, the population of white-lined sphinx moths has exploded these past few weeks, and I’ve heard from others experiencing the same. We may well be in store for witnessing another extraordinary movement of hornworms in several weeks’ time.

More Naturally Speaking:

Marcy Scott is a local birder, botanizer, and author of "Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest." Along with her husband, Jimmy Zabriskie, she operates Robledo Vista Nursery in the North Valley, www.robledovista.com, specializing in native and adapted plants for birds and wildlife habitat. She can be reached at HummingbirdPlantsSW@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: NaturallySpeaking: Sphinx moths in flight resemble hummingbirds