The Spin: Read Eric Trump’s texts to Mayor Lightfoot during Chicago unrest | From Lightfoot to Trump a 9/11 message of unity | Ex-Mayor Emanuel, Cubs co-owner Laura Ricketts at Chicago fundraiser for Kamala Harris

Just in from the Tribune’s Gregory Pratt: “As civil unrest surged across the country and Chicago at the end of May, Mayor Lori Lightfoot called President Donald Trump’s son Eric to express her support, according to text messages he sent her.”

On June 1, as the city was cleaning up from widespread looting over the weekend, the younger Trump texted Lightfoot: “Mrs. Mayor, I am thinking about you. I really appreciated your call on Saturday – it was incredibly kind,” he wrote. “I have passed along your support to our team. ... Please know, I and we truly appreciate you.”

The city did not release any records showing whether she replied.

Just in from the Tribune’s Jamie Munks: Longtime state Sen. Terry Link stepping down from legislative seat The Vernon Hills Democrat is exiting roughly a month after he was charged with a federal count of income tax evasion. He turned in his resignation letter Friday. Read Munks’ full story, including details about Link reportedly wearing a wire for the FBI as part of a probe into a fellow lawmaker, here.