Spook-tacular Silver Spring House Is Perfect For Halloween

SILVER SPRING, MD — Halloween is a time for fun and frights. For some, All Hallows Eve is about watching scary movies or going door-to-door for sugary treats; and for others, it's about hosting the best costume parties or having the spookiest house on the block. This Silver Spring homeowner went all out.

Located on Catalina Terrace, this spook-tacular house is getting a lot of attention. The property is filled with fake limbs, robotic monsters, and flashing lights. Walkers beware.

Here's a video of the house, courtesy of The Catalina Haunt Agouridis. It's located near Connecticut Avenue and Adams Drive.

The homeowners shared their video on the Patch calendar of events and said, "Come out for Halloween and feast your eyes on an amazingly decorated house. There are animatronics that will talk to you, jump at you and have you laughing with fear. This is NOT a haunted house. It is free for everyone to come by and take pictures and video. All that we ask is that you do not step on the grass. Everyone is welcome."

Image via Shutterstock

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