
'The normal one has been special'

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It will be a strange feeling for Liverpool fans on Monday morning, waking up to the fact that Jurgen Klopp has said his goodbyes. He’ll want to win the final match against Wolves of course, but for once, the day will not be about the game or the result, it’ll be about Klopp. And rightly so.

From the moment he walked through the doors, describing himself as “the normal one” he somehow had an instant connection with the club and especially its fans. It’s been a special relationship, a relationship so rare in football these days because even in defeat and disappointment, they went through it together and came out stronger next time.

A world class coach, he built a team full of world class players who crucially played in a way few could live with. He gave them an incredible mental strength, a belief that Liverpool COULD win the title again. He delivered on that and much more. And don’t forget, his Liverpool teams TWICE lost the title by one single point, with 97 and 92 points respectively.

Klopp deserves all the plaudits that have come his way and there may not be a dry eye in the house on Sunday. The “normal one” has been far from normal. Special in fact.