Spotted lanternfly latest invasive species sighted in Worcester

WORCESTER — Residents are urged to report any sightings of the spotted lanternfly, after state officials confirmed the presence of the invasive insect in the city.

State officials call it a small “satellite population” that was spotted earlier this month in the southeastern section of Worcester, southwest of Lake Quinsigamond.

More: Destructive lanternflies have been seen in Massachusetts, what that could mean for crops

Crews that routinely check Worcester trees for the invasive Asian longhorned beetle that has a well-known history of destruction in the city detected the spotted lanternfly Sept. 8 and 14, and alerted the state.

The state also got a report from the public Sept. 10.

“It’s early in the story for us. We don’t know the full extent of the infestation right now,” said Jennifer Forman Orth, an environmental biologist with the state Department of Agricultural Resources.

A spotted lanternfly spreads its wings on a tree.
A spotted lanternfly spreads its wings on a tree.

Surveyors Monday were in Worcester to look for the lanternfly, said Forman Orth, and it could take a while to check trees in order to get a clear picture of the insects' numbers.

“We’re calling it a satellite population, because we consider it fairly small at this point, compared to what’s going on in Springfield,” she said.

Adult lanternflies are roughly an inch long, a gray color, with black spots and red underwings. Younger ones don’t have wings and are red, with black-and-white markings.

If a lanternfly is spotted, take a photo or collect the specimen, and fill out an online reporting form to alert the state Department of Agricultural Resources.

Unclear origin

How the insect got to Worcester is unclear, said Forman Orth, but generally it clings to cars, trucks and trains that travel from infested areas.

More: New research underway in Worcester to potentially eliminate the Asian longhorned beetle

That can be a problem for Worcester and other urban communities because shipments from other parts of the state — and outside Massachusetts — arrive to supply materials to the city’s manufacturing plants.

Additionally, the city has an invasive species of tree called, "Tree of Heaven," and spotted lanternflies like to make it their home.

“We have a lot of (Tree of Heaven),” said Jacquelyn Burmeister, a senior environmental analyst for the City of Worcester.

Burmeister pointed out the insect is drawn to a host of agricultural crops including grapes and apples. Walnut and maple trees also make good homes for the lanternfly.

“(The spotted lanternfly) is bad for ecology and bad for the economy,” said Burmeister.

The insect can also cling to shipping containers from overseas and to popular fall items that arrive from other states, like pumpkins and chrysanthemums.

“There are many different ways (for the insect to come to Worcester),” said Forman Orth.

Lanternfly outside Worcester

Besides Springfield, lanternflies have been spotted in Shrewsbury and Fitchburg, and there is a potential danger to agricultural crops if the species establishes a firm foothold in Massachusetts.

“It feeds on over 100 different types of plants,” said Forman Orth.

A spotted lanternfly.
A spotted lanternfly.

When the insect was detected in Fitchburg, officials surveyed a two-mile area to remove trees with visible lanternfly egg masses, said Burmeister.

She didn't say that will happen in Worcester, but did say lanternflies are hard to keep from spreading.

They're already a problem in Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.

A nuisance

A nuisance factor is another concern in states where there is an infestation. The insects tend to swarm in large numbers and disrupt outdoor activities.

A spotted lanternfly egg mass on the trunk of a tree.
A spotted lanternfly egg mass on the trunk of a tree.

As Burmeister sees it, reporting is key to keep the situation from escalating out of control.

"The main goal is to increase awareness about what the insect looks like and report it as soon as you see it," said Burmeister.

Contact Henry Schwan at Follow him on Twitter @henrytelegram

This article originally appeared on Telegram & Gazette: Spotted lanternflies make unwanted debut in Worcester