Spring break in Gulf Shores brings cool weather, family togetherness| Suzy Fleming Leonard

Before my father died in 2019, one of his biggest concerns was that the family would lose touch. He was the magnet that pulled us all together.

With my sisters in Texas and cousins spread across Florida and Alabama, gatherings aren't spur-of-the-moment. They take coordination and compromise.

So it felt like kismet that on the fourth anniversary of his passing, my sisters and I were tucked into a house across the street from the Gulf of Mexico with two cousins and their spouses.

A spring break trip to Gulf Shores seemed like a great idea when we started planning it in December. We found the perfect house, pet-friendly with four bedrooms, four bathrooms and four parking spots.

We looked forward to long walks on the beach, late night card games, outlet shopping and a night at the famed Flora-Bama with a dozen or so other cousins from LA. (That's Lower Alabama, for you Yankees out there.)

It wouldn't be spring break without stories to tell and a dark, grainy family photo taken at the Flora-Bama in Perdido Key.
It wouldn't be spring break without stories to tell and a dark, grainy family photo taken at the Flora-Bama in Perdido Key.

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Of course, anticipation doesn't always match reality.

We knew Gulf Shores tends to be cool in March. We didn't count on temps in the 40s. There was one quick beach walk, and my cousin-in-love Carl braved goosebumps and tipsy college kids to sunbathe for an hour by the pool.

The cards and board games stayed packed away. I returned home with three of the four bottles of Cabernet I brought.

We did make it to the Tanger Outlets in Foley, though it was more of a scatter and meet back up venture than an outing of togetherness.

We were in our pajamas by 9 and in bed by 10.

No, it wasn't exactly what we expected. Still, it was perfect.

What we consider fun mellows as we age.

The sunshine brightened the chilly days. A trail behind our compound of cottages meandered along Little Lagoon, offering the perfect serene spot for brisk morning and evening dog walks. Eli enjoyed trotting out onto the boardwalks to watch the birds. And though his cousin-dog, Caesar, wasn't exactly welcoming at first, they developed a wary friendship.

My dear spouse Steve and cousin Cleve got to play not one, but two, games of golf, and spent much of the time before and after swapping good-natured trash talk.

A group of us drove into Pensacola to visit an old friend of my dad's; then we enjoyed a pre-St. Paddy's Day lunch at McGuire's Pub.

We mostly got our exercise climbing the to our cottage, sat around watching '80s music videos and snacked on crackers and chicken salad. Also told a lot of "remember when" stories and laughed until our cheeks ached.

We did get our night at the Flora-Bama. Cousin Gail gave us a crash course in Fleming family genealogy, trying to prep us for who we would meet. Robbie, a first cousin once removed (I think), plays guitar for Rick Whaley and The Perdido Brothers band, which plays in the Flora-Bama's Main Room on Tuesdays. About 20 of us crowded around the stage to dance, sip Bushwhackers and catch up.

I stopped introducing myself as Suzy, instead opting for: "Ellis Gray's daughter."

That was our late night. We managed to stay out until the band finished its last set at 10. As we left, we passed hundreds of spring-breakers waiting in line to get inside. For a moment, I felt a twinge of envy, remembering the energy and excitement of youth, starting the night at the same time old folks were headed for bed.

Then I realized I wouldn't trade places. It was fun being young and full of expectation. It's better being older and OK with settling down.

Once we got back to the cottage, we stayed up until midnight, replaying the night. Cousin Mary Ann, who's in her 80s, was a hoot. She danced longer and laughed harder than any of us. The classic rock was great. Who knew we had such musical talent in the family?

Finally, tired and happy, we headed for bed.

"Uncle Ellis would have loved this," Cousin Gail said.

Yes, he would have.

Suzy Fleming Leonard is a features journalist with more than three decades of experience. Reach her at sleonard@floridatoday.com. Find her on Facebook: @SuzyFlemingLeonard or on Instagram: @SuzyLeonard

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This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Spring break mellows with age, but I wouldn't go back to younger times