Spring cleaning tips and tricks with organizer Ellen Gurwitz: the Marie Kondo of Vermont

Spring is finally here in Vermont, which means it's time for spring cleaning. The new season is an opportunity to declutter, organize, and clean the house — which just so happens to be the specialty of Burlington-based professional organizer Ellen Gurwitz, who runs the business De-Clutter Me! VT.

When hired for a job, Gurwitz will meet the client at their home and help guide the client through arranging their space. This process often starts with removing clutter. Gurwitz's general rule of thumb is: if the client hasn't used the item in the past six months and doesn't plan on using the item in the next six months, it should probably be thrown out.

Ellen Gurwitz runs De-Clutter Me! VT, a Burlington-based home organizing company.
Ellen Gurwitz runs De-Clutter Me! VT, a Burlington-based home organizing company.

"Over the 10 years I've had this business, people have called me some interesting things, like 'change agent' or 'personal coach,'" Gurwitz said, "and 'magic fairy godmother.'"

Another technique that Gurwitz encourages her clients to employ is to arrange related items with one another. For example, a bag of loose change for laundry can be placed near the laundry detergent. This could make it less likely to have to go on a search mission for a couple of quarters in the future.

"Physical clutter equals mental clutter," Gurwitz said. "To live or work in a neater space is easier."

Ellen Gurwitz of De-Clutter Me! VT organizes a shoe rack in Essex Junction on March 29, 2023.
Ellen Gurwitz of De-Clutter Me! VT organizes a shoe rack in Essex Junction on March 29, 2023.

A common clutter-inducer that Gurwitz looks out for is paperwork. Gurwitz recommends opening mail as soon as it is received, and either immediately recycling mail if it's not important, or stashing it away in a clearly-labeled manilla file folder in chronological order.

A final tip that Gurwitz recommends is to mitigate what she calls "visual noise." Something as simple as placing shoes right-side-up on a shoe rack can provide the eye with a sense of calm, Gurwitz said.

Ellen Gurwitz of De-Clutter Me! VT puts pens in a jar as part of a home organizing job in Essex Junction on March 29, 2023.
Ellen Gurwitz of De-Clutter Me! VT puts pens in a jar as part of a home organizing job in Essex Junction on March 29, 2023.

"Sometimes when we start, people might be a little bit embarrassed and might be feeling overwhelmed," Gurwitz said. "As we start working together, I can see people visually relax, frowns turn into smiles, and it's very satisfying for them and for me."

Gurwitz's goal is to empower clients with the inspiration and skills they need to be able to declutter their own spaces in the future.

"To be able to help people fast ,and help them try to relax and smile, it's great," Gurwitz said. "It brings them energy. It brings me energy."Gurwitz can be contacted at ellen@decluttermevt.com or (802) 598-3639.

Contact April Fisher at amfisher@freepressmedia.com. Follow her on Twitter: @AMFisherMedia

This article originally appeared on Burlington Free Press: Spring cleaning tips & tricks by professional organizer De-Clutter Me!