Springtown ISD calls for bond election

Feb. 15—Springtown ISD trustees Monday unanimously approved calling for a bond election to be put on the May 6 ballot.

The proposition asks for voter approval for bonds in the amount of $120,780,000 for the purpose of constructing, improving and equipping a new middle school campus; restroom renovations at the existing intermediate school, and purchasing land for school buildings.

Beginning in 2022, the Springtown ISD community, comprised of community members, business owners, parents and SISD staff, evaluated various options and possibilities for the students of Springtown ISD. The capacity and critical needs impacting the district now and in the future were shared, discussed and analyzed with SISD trustees.

These meetings concluded that various conditions throughout the district pose security concerns, the challenge of aging buildings and overcrowding. This process identified critical needs and helped prioritize areas deemed most important to be recommended to the board of trustees for consideration leading to this called bond election.

Highlights of the bond include the following proposed projects:

—New Middle School (6-8) — 1,204 Student Capacity, Gymnasium, Football Field and Track, Land Purchase

—Ninth Grade Campus (9) — Current Middle School Building, Opens Up Classrooms at SHS

—Four Elementary Schools (PK-5) — New Elementary (Current Intermediate Building), Additions and Renovations to Restrooms at the Current Intermediate School

By constructing additional restrooms at Springtown Intermediate, the district will be able to serve PreK through fifth grade at Goshen Creek Elementary, Reno Elementary, Springtown Elementary, and the current intermediate school that would become an elementary. The realignment of moving ninth graders to their own campus (the current middle school building) will create more capacity at the newly constructed middle school and Springtown High School to allow for additional academic programming.