St. Augustine's Dental Specialists of North Florida offers free tooth extractions

St. Augustine's Dental Specialists of North Florida offers free tooth extractions

Dental Specialists of North Florida
Dental Specialists of North Florida

Dental Specialists of North Florida (Dental Specialists) will host its second annual Care Day on Wednesday, Nov. 22, (the day before Thanksgiving) at its St. Augustine location.

Care Day is a first come, first-served event that provides free tooth extractions for those experiencing financial constraints. A team of doctors and skilled professionals will be on hand between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Insurance and appointments are not required.

Dental Specialist doctors include John Thousand, D.D.S, M.S.D; Michael Romani, D.D.S, M.S.D; and Hailey Wilson McKinley D.D.S, M.S.D.

Patients will be welcomed until 3 p.m., regardless of the length of time required for doctors to complete treatments.

Noting the importance of oral health for overall well-being, Dr. Thousand described the day as way of giving back.

“Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude,” he said. “And we want to express our appreciation to the community by providing this essential service to those in need.”

Liz Gordon, Dental Specialists’ chief operating officer, described last year’s inaugural event as awesome.

“I get teary just talking about it,” she said. “These patients are in pain, some with unhealthy infections floating through their bloodstream. Our doctors are amazing. And our state-of-the-art facilities are fully equipped to provide safety and comfort through these procedures.”

"Last year, we extracted nearly 100 teeth,” continued Dr. Thousand. “This year, we’re determined to make an even greater impact.”

With last year’s roster of patients ranging from teenagers to patients in their 80s, the leadership team extended this year’s invitation to Wildflower Healthcare; The Betty Griffin Center; St. Francis House; Alpha Omega Miracle Home; the Council on Aging; and local churches.

“We’re blessed to be able to give back to our community by ensuring that residents have access to this vital care,” said Gordon. “These people are so grateful to be out of pain. Last year we all cried.”

Gordon underscored the importance of acknowledging the doctors and care professionals who work out of the kindness of their hearts.

“Care Day is a testament to our dedication to the community that has shown us unwavering support over the years,” she concluded.

Dental Specialists of North Florida is located at 10 St John's Medical Park Drive, Suite C, St. Augustine.

This article originally appeared on St. Augustine Record: St. Augustine's Dental Specialists of North Florida offers free tooth extractions