What to do in St. Louis while you’re stuck inside during the winter

ST. LOUIS – In the midst of winter in the Midwest, the cold temperatures often discourage outdoor activities. If you find yourself reluctant to venture outside, here’s a curated list of indoor activities.

Some can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home, while others may involve a short trip. Explore these options to keep yourself engaged during the chilly weather.

Winter Activities:

Free Activities:

Indoor Events:

If you prefer staying indoors in your home, consider activities like exercising at home. Generation 3 Fitness, a St. Louis-based business, offers virtual training options. The St. Louis Board Game Meetup Group holds virtual meetings open to anyone. The Kitchen Conservatory provides virtual cooking classes at a cost, but they are open to all.

Stay updated on weekly events through the St. Louis Reddit page. For family activities in various categories around the St. Louis area, Fun for STL Kids always has a comprehensive list.

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