St. Paul students of the month

Dec. 2—NORWALK — The December 2022 Kiwanis Students of the Month at St. Paul High School.

Malone Phillips

Malone is the daughter of Tim and Amy Phillips.

Malone's activities, honors and achievements include: National Honor Society, Cheerleader-Captain /All-American/Leadership Award, Leadership by Example Award, CTSO Award (EHOVE), NCA Leadership Award (EHOVE), Student of the 9 Weeks (EHOVE), ACE Award, and Academic Letter.

Evelina Podvoiskis

Evelina is the daughter of David and Lisa Podvoiskis.

Evelina's activities, honors and achievements include: Marching/Concert/Pep Band, Folk Group, Flag Corps, Mock Trial, National Honor Society, Spring Musical, Academic Letter, Girls State Delegate, Drug Free Clubs of America and Leadership by Example award recipient.