State legislators voice support for new Lincoln Hall on Northern State University campus

District 23 Rep. Charlie Hoffman, R-Eureka, visits with District 23 Rep. Bryan Breitling, R-Miller, in the Kessler's Champion Room at Northern State University Saturday prior to the first of three legislative cracker barrels planned in Aberdeen. District 23 legislators were invited because the district now includes of Brown County.
District 23 Rep. Charlie Hoffman, R-Eureka, visits with District 23 Rep. Bryan Breitling, R-Miller, in the Kessler's Champion Room at Northern State University Saturday prior to the first of three legislative cracker barrels planned in Aberdeen. District 23 legislators were invited because the district now includes of Brown County.
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A new Lincoln Hall for Northern State University has the support of local state lawmakers.

The proposed facility was one of the prime topics at Saturday's legislative cracker barrel at the Barnett Center on the Northern campus.

Most of the legislators from districts 1, 2, 3 and 23 were in attendance. About 85 local residence also attended.

One resident at the session expressed his dismay at Northern's plan to demolish Lincoln and Briscoe halls and replace them with a new building. He asked if legislators would support restoration as opposed to demolition.

Northern has proposed the demolition of the two buildings and the construction of a $29.5 million facility that would provide new spaces for business education, an accelerated nursing simulation lab, a digital economy incubator space, new admissions offices and new classrooms. Following the cracker barrel, Northern President Neal Schnoor said plans also include remembering the historic building that now stands.

During the cracker barrel, Schnoor noted that Lincoln Hall was built in 1917 as a residence hall, and rehabilitation of the existing space would cost twice as much a building new. And renovation wouldn't provide the type of facility needed, he said.

In response to the question, several legislators voiced support for the new building.

"Yes, I support the Lincoln building project," District 3 Sen. Al Novstrup, R-Aberdeen, said. "It is an embarrassment to South Dakota to show them this is where your education is going to be. It's time it's gone."


District 23 Rep. Charlie Hoffman, R-Eureka, said he was confident Schnoor and his team would, "build a world-class facility."

District 2 Rep. Lana Greenfield, R-Doland, said the current building, which includes two pillars in one of the classrooms, is not an ideal atmosphere for teaching.

"More importantly, it is not handicapped accessible," she said. "We need to make them open and fit for all."

District 1 Sen. Michael Rohl, R-Aberdeen, agreed to the importance of keeping culture and heritage alive, but also noted the project is planned with the use of federal funding that is available, pending approval.

District 3 Rep. Drew Dennert, R-Aberdeen, said it's less about the building that's there now and more about the benefits of the space being proposed, which include a partnership with South Dakota State University's nursing program. With one in 10 nursing positions currently open in the state, he said, it's worth the investment.

Other top topics discussed Saturday were eminent domain and gestational surrogacy.

Are changes to eminent domain regulations needed?

Legislators were also asked if they would support legislation changing eminent domain regulations. Ed Fischbach, who also expressed concern about a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline that would run through the area, posed the question. He said current eminent domain regulations in South Dakota need to be changed.

District 23 Rep. Spencer Gosch, R-Glenham,  who is also speaker of the house, provides opening remarks at Saturday's Legislative Cracker Barrel in Aberdeen.
District 23 Rep. Spencer Gosch, R-Glenham, who is also speaker of the house, provides opening remarks at Saturday's Legislative Cracker Barrel in Aberdeen.

District 23 Rep. Spencer Gosch, R-Glenham, said it's a topic that's been brought to his attention, but he just received proposed revisions on Thursday with the deadline to submit draft bills looming.

"A big topic like eminent domain takes more than three days," he said, noting that the fix is going to take more than a simple amendment.

"It may be a topic we can't solve this year. But I will keep looking at it," Gosch said.

District 23 Sen. Bryan Breitling, R-Miller, said roads and railroads wouldn't exist without eminent domain language, but added he is working on a bill addressing language concerning easements. Although easements are perpetual, he said, there's a life cycle to infrastructure.

"The landowner should have the ability to terminate that agreement," he said.

Since the topic of eminent domain was tied to proposed carbon dioxide pipelines, including one going through parts of District 23, the pipeline was a hot topic, too.

Carbon dioxide pipeline proposal draws questions

District 3 Rep. Carl Perry. R-Aberdeen, said there hasn't been proposed legislation on the pipeline, but there have been conversations with proponents and opponents and he's leaning against the project.

Hoffman expressed support for the proposal, but noted that Summit Carbon Solutions can do better communicating with people. The pipeline has yet to go before the Public Utilities Commission, he said.

Gestational surrogacy regulations could be in the works

Dennert, Novstrup and District 2 Rep. Kaleb Weis, R-Aberdeen, were specifically asked their position on creating gestational surrogacy regulations in South Dakota. That's coming in Senate Bill 137, which would allow for gestational surrogacy arrangements and agreements.

Gestational surrogacy is when somebody who did not provide the egg used in conception carries a fetus through pregnancy and gives birth for another couple or person.

Providing a bit of background, District 2 Sen. Brock Greenfield, R-Clark, said surrogacy has been in the state for some time, but has yet to put regulations in state law.

'We're one of a few states that don't have regulations in code," he said. "Of all the people who would like to avail themselves, 2% would qualify. They're very stringent on what they're looking for. ... We're trying to inject more integrity and regulation into the process."

Dennert said he hasn't had the chance to read the five-page bill, but is open to the concept and is willing to support it.

"It would make more sense to try this and regulate it as opposed to banning it," he said.

Weis said he's glad the issue is coming before the Legislature, but as it just went through the Senate, he hasn't yet reviewed the bill and doesn't yet have an opinion.

Novstrup also didn't commit, but noted the top priority of state laws should be determining what is in the best interest of the child.

"That will be my No. 1 criteria," he said.

Legislators see rising opposition to collective bargaining bill

Dennert said he's starting to see emails opposed to House Bill 1216. It proposes the elimination of collective bargaining for school district employees. He made that comment in response to a question asking legislators to weigh in on the measure, which had not yet had a committee hearing.

Brock Greenfield said he expects significant opposition to that bill, recalling the fate of a bill introduced in a prior session that sought to ban collective bargaining and didn't gain much traction.

He said he's not sure what the vote will be, but believes as more information comes out, there will be more hesitation to back it.

Dennert said he's generally against such bills and will more than likely oppose this one, but he's yet to hear testimony on the issue.

"it would be foolish to take a hard position without hearing testimony," he said.

Could education tax credit program expand?

Lawmakers were asked if they would support Senate Bill 71, which proposes an increase to the partners in education tax credit program. The program, which provides scholarships to families wishing to send their students to a private school, has a $2 million limit on annual contributions from insurance companies. The bill proposes increasing that limit to $3.5 million. In exchange for contributions, insurance companies receive a tax credit.

Lana Greenfield said testimony on this bill is expected on Monday.

"We'll listen to the testimony and see what we can come up with," she said, noting one argument will be the use of taxpayer dollars.

District 1 Rep. Jennifer Keitz, D-Eden, said she opposes anything that has to do with private education.

"I don't think it's an appropriate use of public funds," she said.

About 85 people attended the cracker barrel in the Kessler's Champions Room in the Barnett Center. That will also be the home to cracker barrels on Feb. 12 and March 5. Both will start at 10 a.m.

District 1 Rep. Tamara St. John, R-Sisseton, was unable to attend.

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: New building at Northern State, emanant domain topics at cracker barrel