Statesville nonprofit gives second chance to disabled veterans with tiny homes

A veteran is thankful he’s been able to build a life after combat while building tiny homes for his fellow veterans.

“I was in a bad place, I did drugs for a number of years to block out a lot of stuff,” Army veteran Christopher Williams said. “It ended up getting me nowhere. Everything I owned was two totes.”

RELATED: Nonprofit renovates 95-year-old veteran’s home in west Charlotte

He was able to get the quality care and support he needed through Fifth Street Ministries.

Now, he spends his days in a warehouse with a team of volunteers. They help Purple Heart Homes assemble houses for disabled veterans.

“They’re sturdy. they’re not going to come apart. They’re not going to break. They’re going to provide service for a long time,” Williams said.

>> In the video at the top of the page, vets share how Purple Heart Homes helped them, and nonprofit organizers talk about their new goal to add more homes.

(WATCH BELOW: ‘Tremendous’: Statesville nonprofit cuts workweek to just 4 days for its employees)