Staunton reader says history seems to be repeating itself in voter suppression: Letter

As I read a recently published book about my distant family, I am very saddened by the political history of the Bankhead family. At the turn of the 20th century, John Hollis Bankhead, an Alabama state senator, led the creation of a new Alabama State Constitution which would permanently prevent poor whites and all people of color from voting.

History appears to be repeating itself both nationally and locally. Republican leaders have openly said that if everybody can vote, Republicans cannot win. Coupled with recent efforts to fix problems which do not exist, our elected "leaders" are doing little more than attempt to crush people's views with which they disagree.

From Staunton City Council to the 20th district and beyond, the view is becoming more of China and Russia than what we used to be like.

As a deeply religious person, I pray daily that positive change will come soon.



This article originally appeared on Staunton News Leader: Staunton reader says voter suppression happening locally, nationally