A step-by-step guide for telling the FCC you hate its net neutrality plan

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Now that the Federal Communications Commission has decided to open its plan to allow for Internet “fast lanes” up for discussion, you might be wondering how to give the commission a piece of your mind. Redditor 2ShakesofaLambsTail has put together a handy guide that will take you through everything you need to do to register a public comment on the FCC’s proposal in just a small number of steps.

The first thing you need to do is go to the FCC’s public comment page and type in the numbers “14-28″ into the box marked “Proceeding Number.” From there, you need to enter in your name and home address, make sure that the “Type of Filing” box is set to “Comment,” and then attach a Word or TXT document to your submission that explains why you’re opposed to the FCC’s plan. 2ShakesofaLambsTail also recommends that you give your submission a “Custom Description” at the bottom of the page along the lines of “I support net neutrality” so the FCC has an idea of what your filing will say even if it never bothers to open and read it.

In all, it doesn’t sound like it should take too long to register a comment with the FCC to let it know how you feel about its stance on net neutrality. For a more detailed breakdown, be sure to check out 2ShakesofaLambsTail’s full post by clicking the source link below.

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This article was originally published on BGR.com

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