Stephanie Hess Went from a Fortune 500 Life to One of Living Fully

Stephanie Hess is a Fortune 500 Director turned Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Speaker.

Stephanie Hess


Atlanta, Georgia , Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stephanie Hess once lived in a powerful world of Fortune 500 companies. You’d think this is a success story about a woman climbing to the top. Instead, this success story was how she freed herself from a life she didn’t love and then built one she did.

With a prestigious background in business and having worked for major movers and shakers like Estee Lauder and the New York Knicks, she thought she’d found her way, but something was off. In fact, when she did finally leave her corporate career, she found she’d been diagnosed with “Corporate PTSD.” How was that possible? She’d been doing everything she thought she was supposed to. Where was the happiness and satisfaction, along with her authenticity?

The amazing part is that after learning of her diagnosis, she was able to heal and move forward, unblocking her way. It was this very challenge that helped her reach her entrepreneurial mission and succeed.

It was when she let go of the notion that she had to do things one particular way, that she finally found her best life, one that suited her and brought her complete success, a thriving business, and a full heart.

Today, Stephanie teaches other high-achieving entrepreneurs how to design their signature “secret sauce” offer, package it as a premium ticket service, effortlessly enroll the right clients and create predictable $10k, $15k+ months while filling your soul. She understands the many challenges people have that stop them from fully implementing a life they love. People get stuck at the hurdles, and she helps them move the needle in their businesses, so they can increase their bottom line while loving what they do.

She does this with a combination of high-performance coaching, mindset changes, and authentic client attraction strategies. Her signature 4-Step Freedom “Funnel” Flow process helps business owners understand soul-selling and effortless enrollment, how to lead, influence, and communicate in a way that draws the right clients to you.

Stephanie helps others build and expand their businesses with strategic coaching and her fifteen years of experience in business and marketing. With a roster of global clients, she feels blessed to help changemakers move forward and make an impact on the world. She’s impacting others, who in turn are impacting others, and making change. It’s a ripple effect that translates to a lot of good in the world.

Growing up in the Lancaster, PA farming community, she didn’t always feel like she fit in. In fact, she found herself bursting with confidence that wasn’t authentic but kept her business world thriving. Imposter syndrome is something she understands and helps her clients overcome. It’s in embracing your uniqueness that you find your way.

With a world of experience, she’s now living her best life and wants the same for her clients and future clients, to be able to live life fully and authentically while doing something you love. The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t care that the ones who succeed take actions, and don’t just think about success. She can help you move forward. You can learn more about her programs, coaching services, or pick up helpful information at

To date, she’s coached over 100 coaches, service providers, and entrepreneurs. Thankful that she finally followed the path that felt right, she’s now able to help others on their journeys.


