Stephen Rowland: This 'Wolverine' is healing nicely, thankful

Stephen Rowland’s column appears Wednesdays in The Daily Herald.
Stephen Rowland’s column appears Wednesdays in The Daily Herald.

A somewhat humorous thing happened when I was LifeFlighted to Vanderbilt Trauma a little more than a week ago — as if anything could be humorous about that. The flight crew somehow didn’t have my name when they wheeled my unconscious body into that trauma unit. When that happens, there is a computer software program that assigns a temporary name to “John Doe” until the real name can be discovered.

My assigned name was “Wolverine.” Anyone who called in to see how I was doing had to ask for Wolverine.

That wasn’t straightened out until almost two days later when I was discharged.

Those fans of the old “X Men” television series will remember that Wolverine healed up from horrendous injuries supernaturally fast. As far as I’m concerned, that computer program couldn’t have spit out a more desired name. It seemed to run true-to-form also, as I went from chest compressions on the side of US 31A to a LifeFlight, while unconscious to asking if I could go home two days later.

The subdural hemorrhage from brain trauma is being reabsorbed into my body; my fractured wrist is healing inside a soft cast; my fractured T12 vertebrae is healing while I make sure I don’t bend over too far. The only disappointing lingering after effect is disorienting vertigo whenever I change my head orientation. It’s the strangest feeling. When I try to rise from my couch and it kicks in, it feels like there is an invisible hand shoving me back down. It’s also a falling risk so I have to be careful.

Some Christian motorcycling friends of ours (Gary & Cheryl Kiser) are out at a national rally in Hatfield, Arkansas — the national headquarters of the Christian Motorcyclists Association. When they heard about my misfortune, they sent me a Get Well card addressed to “Wolverine Rowland.” I had a good laugh at that. Our Knights For Christ chapter president Rick Hughette commented, “That’s your new road name.”

Most long time bikers in clubs acquire a “road name” eventually. It’s usually something short and pithy, encapsulating some particular characteristic of the rider’s personality. Monikers like “Sonshine”; “Mama Bear”; “Flip”; “Goat”; “Big K”; “Gunner”; “Two Plates”; “Led” and “Misled” (husband & wife team); “Wildman”; “Chap”; “Big Dave”; “Grizzly” — those are just a few of the folks I’ve been acquainted with. No one ever could come up with a suitable road name for me. I simply don’t fit the biker stereotype. I’m not a big guy; I don’t have a huge belly; I don’t have tattoos all over; I don’t act wild and crazy; I don’t have any obvious habits.

So, the elusive “road name” has escaped me for at least 15 years, until now, apparently. One of my wife’s observations is that whenever she gets the flu, she’s out of commission for several days. When I get it, it’s all over and done with 24 hours later. My immune system works so well that all it takes is a smidgen of pollen in the air and my system goes into hyperdrive fighting it off.

“Wolverine” isn’t so bad — I’ll take it.

Within 24 hours of being LifeFlighted to Vanderbilt there were literally people all over the world praying for me. The Facebook pleas; the Christian Motorcyclists Association chapter prayer requests; the folks at church; our neighbors; all our relatives; my sister’s missionary friends overseas; coworkers. I think that counts for something.

It’s still hard to believe I survived that.

My motorcycle went from 45 mph to 0 mph instantly; I was launched through my windshield. My legs catching on the broken windshield made my body spin wildly out of control. I flew across her hood and smacked the back of my helmet so violently on the non-impact side fender that it left a big dent right there on the top crease. I feel very fortunate that my brain still works correctly. The pastor of the little country church we have been attending looked at me and said “I guess God’s not through with you yet.”

I want to shout out a special thanks to my dad, to Knights For Christ president Rick Hughette and to Chief Editor of The Daily Herald, Kerri Bartlett, for visiting me at Vanderbilt. Several others wanted to but Vanderbilt is a little restrictive as to how many are allowed in to visit. It’s good to be recovering, and I hope to be back to my normal writing self soon.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Herald: Stephen Rowland: This 'Wolverine' is healing nicely, thankful