Steve Jobs Comic Book Coming in August
Does Steve Jobs' black turtleneck have magical powers? Not exactly, but the Apple chief is getting his own comic book, which will hit stores in August.
Unfortunately, Jobs will not be getting a superhero name. The plainly titled "Steve Jobs: Co-Founder of Apple" will provide readers with "a unique insight into the Apple CEOs legendary drive to the top and his continuing fight to stay there," according to publisher Bluewater Productions.
"Admire him or hate him, Jobs' vision and business acumen revolutionized the world," said writer CW Cooke. "Between he and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, you would be hard pressed to find someone with greater influence over how we communicate, interact and do business over the last 30 years."
The 32-page comic book was drawn by Chris Schmidt, while the cover art was created by DC artist Joe Phillips. It will be available in comic shops and bookstores, as well as online via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Borders for $3.99.
"His innovations command front page news, speculation of his health affects the stock market. Not bad for a college dropout," Bluewater president Darren Davis said in a statement. "His story, and that of Apple, is epic. I'm surprised it took us this long to publish a proper, balanced biography of him."
Bluewater is also behind the 48-page Mark Zuckerberg comic book, which was written by Jerome Maida and illustrated by Sal Field. The company said the success of the Zuckerberg comic book inspired it to focus on Jobs. A graphic novel version of the Zuckerberg comic book will be in stores in September for $10.99.
"There are definitely some similarities between Zuckerberg and Jobs. It takes a certain kind of drive and a certain kind of genius to move society the way they have," said Cooke. "The idea behind both efforts is to show the person behind the personality and that it is never what you'd expect."
Bluewater has also tackled politicians and pundits. "Political Power: Glenn Beck" was released on April 6, and the company plans to release "Political Power: Republicans," which will focus on GOP headliners like Sarah Palin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Rush Limbaugh, in October. A version focused on Democrats, "Political Power: Democrats," will be available in September, focusing on politicians like Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama, Senator Al Franken and the late Ted Kennedy.