Stillwater author E.M. Chaffin signing copies of new novel "Newfangled Madness" Saturday at Bliss Books & Bindery

Jul. 21—Elizabeth Chaffin, who began her storytelling career by creating murder-mystery games to have fun with her friends, has now published her second novel.

The Stillwater resident and Oklahoma State graduate, launched Bearded Rat Mysteries to market her party games. Now she uses the LLC to self publish, starting with her debut as E.M. Chaffin for "Dead Man's Swamp" in 2021.

Chaffin's newest thriller is "Newfangled Madness." Bliss Books & Bindery will host a book signing 4-5 p.m. Saturday at 120 E. Ninth.

"Newfangled Madness" is story about 14-year-old Marion Morrissey, an imaginative girl who makes a series of incredible discoveries. It's a lighter and zanier story than Chaffin's first book.

"When she sees the body of a dead woman reflected in her bedroom mirror, no one thinks much about it, until that same woman washes ashore after a hurricane, and things get real...and real weird," the plot description reads. "First, Marion finds a ring on the waterfront. Second, she tries it on — and she can talk to birds. The police say the woman on the shore took her own life, but the birds? The birds say she was murdered."

Chaffin also said she wanted to feature homeschooled kids in her novel, who she said are underrepresented in popular culture. She talked to the News Press about how she came to create "Newfangled Madness."

1 This is your second book since you've become an author, what have you learned about the writing process since your debut?

It doesn't get easier. Ha! But I do know the process better, and I know my own limits and motivations, which allows me to set challenging but realistic goals. For example, I knew I wanted to send Newfangled Madness to my beta readers by early December 2021. I also knew I needed to do some rewrites before then, and I knew I would be less productive over Thanksgiving, so I buckled down and did most of the work before the holiday. Goal setting is a skill, and it takes practice!

2 What kind of things did you do differently when you decided you wanted to write another novel?

I decided to write something weird and upbeat. Dead Man's Swamp is a young adult mystery/suspense, and at times it can get dark. I started writing Newfangled Madness in between rewriting the final drafts of Dead Man's Swamp, and it was my time to focus on happy things; Newfangled Madness is quirky, lighthearted, and silly. It was so much fun to write, from beginning to end.

I also created a thorough outline before diving headfirst into the first draft. I did outline Dead Man's Swamp, but not so thoroughly, and it cost me time in the long run. So while writing Newfangled Madness, I planned each scene, making sure I knew the motivation behind each decision and each character. This is not the best process for everyone, and I am not a strict plotter, but I did find the outline to be helpful.

3 You've added a supernatural element to this. Are you blending genres in a way? What inspired that twist?

Yes! There are many fantastical elements in Newfangled Madness — I describe this book as a young adult mystery/fantasy. The story is inspired by a quote from "The Squire's Tale" by Geoffrey Chaucer, "By nature, men love newfangledness." In "The Squire's Tale," a woman is given a ring that allows her to talk to birds, and a mirror that predicts the future. In my book, Marion stumbles across these magical items, and uses them to solve a murder. There are additional themes in Newfangled Madness that are inspired by another famous story, but I'll leave it to the readers to figure out which famous story.

4 What has been some of the most helpful advice you have received, about writing or about finishing projects?

At some point, you have to say it's finished and move on. No project will ever be perfect, and you can spend years obsessing over it, or you can declare it to be done and let it go. Basically, you will learn more from starting a new project than you will learn from continually fixating on the first.

5 Is there anything you would like to add?

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For more information, visit @emchaffinwrites on Facebook or Instagram, or contact her at Newfangled Madness is available at Bliss Books & Bindery, Ruth's Christian Bookstore and the Stillwater Public Library as well as Amazon and other online retailer.