Stillwater Medical Foundation purchases advanced newborn training simulator

Aug. 6—Thanks to a donation to the Stillwater Medical Foundation, the Stillwater Medical Center has received new training equipment for advanced newborn care.

The Foundation announced the purchase of SuperTory Neonatal Simulator, which is described as a "lifelike" baby model that will "elevate how nurses train for almost any scenario in the first moments of life," according to a Foundation press release.

"From breathing problems and motor skill assessment to real-life facial features and IV placement, the simulator reacts and responds to interventions and newborn care," Foundation Director of Marketing and Communication Leslie Rachel said. "Labor and delivery nurses and pediatricians are required to be recertified in neonatal resuscitation every two years. In October, the training will take place using SuperTory."

Leslie said having this technology in the community is "remarkable," and Stillwater Medical would begin immediate training on the simulator.

Stillwater Medical has been busy with ongoing expansion efforts that include new clinics in addition to new services and structures for the main campus on Sixth Avenue.

"SuperTory is crucial to our team of nurses and doctors to be fully prepared for delivery and newborn care. As we prepare for the Level II NICU to open at Stillwater Medical, the simulator will give us invaluable hands-on experience," explained Liz Michael, Chief Nursing Officer at Stillwater Medical.