Stitt: Oklahoma has taken steps to expand greater resources to mothers

What would you do to improve Oklahoma's low ranking in education?

Since being elected governor, we have turned budget deficits into record high surpluses which will protect public education in future turbulent economic times. I have worked with the state Legislature to fund public education and teacher pay at historic highs, and I will keep investing in education and teacher salaries while also protecting the taxpayer from future tax hikes. Last year, I became the first governor to call for a state audit of the state’s education agency so we can expose how Oklahoma’s tax dollars are being spent. My Democrat opponent called this transparency effort an “attack.” It takes all of us working together to deliver a turnaround our children deserve, and we will get there with transparent funding in education and giving parents and students access to the learning resources they each uniquely need to succeed.

With issues like the 2020 election, gender identity and critical race theory deepening the political divides in the state, what would you do to help heal the rifts and bring people together?

Yes, we have made some hard, important decisions to protect our young, innocent children in Oklahoma and keep parents empowered to teach and shape them. What we also know and promote about our incredible state is that Oklahomans are deeply compassionate people. It’s why so many Oklahomans have pushed for reforms to our criminal justice system so that those in a death-spiral of low-level offenses can have alternative pathways to a second chance and a restored, bright future. I am proud of my administration’s work in this space that has increased funding for drug courts and mental health resources at record highs, and I’m equally proud of the First Lady’s initiative to teach the Science of Hope to social workers, medical professionals and teachers all across Oklahoma through her Hope Foundation and in collaboration with research coming out of the University of Oklahoma.

Oklahomans increasingly are spending more for goods and services. What would you do to help residents deal with those higher costs? And how would you ensure Oklahoma's economy stays strong?

I called for the elimination of the state’s grocery tax and a further reduction in the income tax ― Real Relief Now ― which the House of Representatives passed portions of in June. Oklahomans would keep $450 a year from tax reduction, and I am committed to seeing this through in my next term.

I have also fought to protect and grow our agriculture industry and energy industry which are key to solving inflation. While the Biden administration’s liberal policies are making our nation more depending on Russia for oil and foreign countries for imported foods, here in Oklahoma we are building up our domestic resiliency. I designated $10 million in 2020 that launched 41 new meat processing facilities across Oklahoma supporting local, family-owned ranches and farms. I have acted on an all-of-the-above domestic energy plan, supporting our incredible oil and natural gas industry while also enterning into agreements with our neighboring states to build a hydrogen hub.

Oklahoma ranks poorly in most health outcomes, including mental health. What would you do to make Oklahoma a healthier state?

My administration, in collaboration with the Legislature, has invested more money in mental health than at any point in state history. Futhermore, we are increasing choice within the SoonerCare program with new reforms that will serve nearly 30% of our population. Under these reforms, we are securing $700 million annually in new funding for rural, local hospitals and the expansion of primary care beginning in late 2023. Unfortunately, my Democrat opponent is on the record saying she will kill this plan which will then rob our rural communities of this much-needed new funding to enhance services.

With the increasing amount of dark money in political campaigns, including this campaign, do you think campaign finance reform is needed to address the influence of money in politics?

Absolutely. We have seen a record amount of dark money pour in to bankroll my opponent’s campaign, and they started this massive paid effort in mid-2021 that has rained chaos and division across our state. Oklahomans deserve to know why and what their real intentions are, much less who the Democrat candidate answers to when it is all said and done.

Oklahoma now has some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country and many women say they have gone too far. Would you seek or approve legislation to allow exceptions that include cases of rape or incest?

When I ran for governor in 2018, I made a promise to Oklahomans that I would sign every piece of pro-life legislation that came across my desk. I’m proud to have been able to keep that promise and for Oklahoma to be known for protecting sacred and innocent lives. As governor, Oklahoma has taken the necessary steps to also expand greater resources to mothers across our state, to include expanding Medicaid insurance for the mother a full year after the birth. Current law does allow for an exception for the life of the mother, and I would support further clarifying those around cases of rape or incest with the input of the Legislature.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Stitt addresses issues from education to aboartion