
Stonecrest Golf League results

The Stonecrest Golf League played on Tuesday Aug. 2.
The Stonecrest Golf League played on Tuesday Aug. 2.

NEW BEAVER − The Stonecrest Golf League played Tuesday with the following results on the front nine:

Low Gross − Ron Aniceti - 35; George Blumer - 41; Ed Dambach, Mike Filauri, Tony Carrozza, John Krestel, Chuck Means - 43

Low Net − Ron Aniceti - 31; Frank McElwain, Russ Forsythe - 34; George Blumer, Tony Carrozza, Dave Scopellite, Chuck Means - 35; Ted Wehman, Mike Filauri, John Krestel, Dick Falen, Pete Zona, Frank Carrozza, Dave Courson, Rick Courson - 36

Flight leaders:

Flight 1 − Ron Aniceti, Roger Nye - 7 points; Tony Carrozza - 6 points; Ed Dambach - 3 points

Flight 2 − John Krestel - 13 points; Dick Verone - 11 points; Dave Scopellite - 8 points

Flight 3 − Pete Zona - 6 points; Larry Jena - 5 points; Frank McElwain - 0 points

Flight 4 − Dave Courson - 13 points; Rich Courson - 10 points; Dennis Briggs - 2 points

This article originally appeared on Ellwood City Ledger: Stonecrest Golf League results