The Story Never Ends: Feed faith instead of fear

Sandra Lepley
Sandra Lepley

One thing we all have noticed lately is that fear has entered our world in an unprecedented amount — no doubt coming from a dimension that has set the stage for all this.

The old adage is that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real but in today's world, we are seeing that fear is the fuel generating governments, policies, people and just about every aspect of life.

President Franklin Rooselvelt said "All we have to fear is fear itself." And, that motto got so many through a Great Depression of financial hardship in the 1930s in order to rise again into a new nation of Americans who worked hard and raised productive families. However, the times of the 1930s compared to now have changed drastically with big tech and the global elite now in existence.

And, the question we all want to know is "when will it all go away?" It is bad enough that almost two years ago we were hit with a pandemic that caused quarantines, so many deaths and new regulations on a worldwide level but the nightmare never seems to end even after a miracle vaccine last year didn't become the cure-all.

So what's next? We simply do not know what the next few months will bring and one thing is for sure is that worrying about it will only breed more fear and the planet is pulsing with that emotion right now. Remember the old Cherokee legend, "Don't feed the bad wolf." It will win if you do. Feed the wolf of peace and joy and in my opinion — faith. Yes, it takes effort in doing so when the virus is still out there and the governments are pressuring mandates and everything seems to be turned upside down. But, faith in these times is our only option.

Feed your faith. Know that God is in control and has kept the human race on track. Look at what we have been able to achieve down through the generations. This is an unprecedented time of life and God is capable of taking care of us no matter what. And, what did Jesus say repeatedly — "fear not." Two little words and a simple philosophy but very hard advice to follow in the midst of all this. And, yet, the only other choice we have is to feed the bad wolf.

Without faith, there are a thousand different opinions about all this coming from man's perspective but when it comes down to the human soul, I advise everyone to take to heart Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."

This article originally appeared on The Daily American: Sandra Lepley column about fear and faith