Strasburg Village Council wants changes at entrance of Franklin Park

Strasburg Village Council

Tuesday meeting

KEY ACTION: Agreed to paint a crosswalk at the entrance of Franklin Park only if signal lights are installed to light up the area and the speed limit is lowered to 25 mph.

DISCUSSION: Council also wants to pursue changing the speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph. An ordinance would need to be drawn up for the speed limit change. Councilman Marty Zehnder said without signals, it will give children a false sense of security and try to cross the busy state Route 21/250. He suggested a meeting is held with school officials to seek their input about the crosswalk. Zehnder said years ago a student was hit at the entrance to the park while crossing the busy highway and this is a safety issue. The school told students to cross at the First Street traffic light when walking to the park. Motorists are to yield to a crosswalk however council is not comfortable with that.


  • Mayor Steve Smith swore in full-time police officer Nathan Wood. He will serve a six-month probation.

  • Approved the installation of Horizon Fiber Optics at the wastewater treatment plant and other village buildings. There is no internet access at the wastewater treatment plant and the fire department has limited Internet abilities. Pioneer 360 will do the installation. There will also be Wi-Fi available in Franklin Park. Council later in the meeting passed an ordinance, as an emergency, to enter into a contract with Chillicothe Telephone Co. for specialized fiber services. The cost would be about $31,000 per year.

  • Heard plans to install a camera system in Franklin Park due to recent vandalism.

  • Approved a permit for the Tuscarawas County Public Library, at the Strasburg branch, to install a pavilion in the rear yard at the library located on Fifth Street SW.

  • Heard a discussion concerning turning the traffic lights to caution during certain hours. Council was not responsive to the idea as it will not help with traffic stopped at the traffic lights at the south end of the village.

  • Approved work to be done at the #1 ball field at Franklin Park at a cost of $11,867. Baseball Association members are in favor of making repairs and volunteering to do work. Council agreed to a pitcher’s mound being installed. Funds will be taken from the park fund.


  • An open house will be held at the fire station on Second Street NE on Oct. 15 at a time to be announced later. The time will post on the Strasburg Fire Department Facebook page. The week of Oct. 10-15 is designated as Fire Prevention Week.

  • Trick or treat will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 30. It was changed from Oct. 29 due to a conflict. Those participating should turn on a porch light and children should be accompanied by an adult.

UP NEXT: Meets at 6 p.m. Oct. 4 at 224 North Bodmer Avenue.

— Barb Limbacher

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Strasburg Village Council wants changes at entrance of Franklin Park