Street Artist Painted a Road Runner Tunnel On A Wall, Someone Tried to Drive Through It

The classic Looney Tunes cartoon always featured the Road Runner outsmarting Wile E. Coyote after he would always try and nab his foe for dinner.

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Now, a real life situation has happened and Wile E. was nowhere to be found.

A Reddit user named “Miss Reb” posted photos she took of a FIAT that drove into a wall painted like a Road Runner tunnel. In fact, there was even a painting of Road Runner beside it.

She also posted the photos on Imgur.

While, the situation happened three months ago, it is just coming to surface now. The exact location has not been determined. Though, a closer look at the images shows that none of the cars photographed have American license plates.

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The painted tunnel was one of the more popular of Wile E. Coyote’s stunts he performed to trick the Road Runner and hoping it would smack into it, thus leading to the carnivorous creature’s delicacy.


No word as to the condition of the driver but the FIAT did take a beating.

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