Street Paving Work In East Manhattan Beach Near Meadows School

MANHATTAN BEACH, CA — The Cycle 1 Street Resurfacing Project is in its second week after work was started last Monday, Sept. 21. Originally scheduled for spring 2020 and delayed due to COVID-19, the majority of impacted streets are east of Sepulveda Boulevard, and between Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Marine Avenue, close to Meadows Elementary School.

The community is asked to keep children and pets away from the "new tack coat" and the "new hot asphalt" during construction. Impacted streets include 23rd, 21st, 19th, 18th, 17th and 14th streets as well as Magnolia, Chestnut, Rowell, Herrin, Marine, Meadows, Redondo and Pack avenues. Construction activities are anticipated to be completed by February 2021, according to the City of Manhattan Beach.

"The street improvement effort will be predominantly comprised of cold milling (grinding) the existing asphalt roadway and overlaying a new rubberized asphalt roadway surface; upgrading access ramps; and replacing damaged curbs, gutters, sidewalks where necessary," said the City in a news release.

Both the city and the contractor provide notice to residents in the area and within 500 feet of the project boundaries to alert those in the area to construction in their area, said Stephanie Katsouleas, the city's director of Public Works.

This article originally appeared on the Manhattan Beach Patch