In a stressed and grumpy world, a little kindness can go a long way

At the end of December, I watched “The Gift: Kindness Goes Viral with Steve Hartman.”

No matter what the impact has been of the coronavirus, I think most of us agree that we’re more stressed, maybe a little grumpier. The negative news cycle is not for the faint-hearted. Every once in a while, I take a break to find good news.

The program shows stories of acts of kindness by ordinary people, how one simple act can make a difference in someone’s life. By paying it forward, kindness could grow exponentially.

The show contains a few stories that will restore faith in humanity. Keep the tissue box nearby. I’ll give an overview of the first, though it doesn’t do justice to the storytelling in the show. A stylist gave a haircut to a little girl, who had been ill. That little girl, Katie Steller, grew up to start the Red Chair Project, which gives free haircuts in Minneapolis.

When Steve Hartman found the original stylist, Amy White, she didn’t remember doing anything special that day. Hartman states, “Maybe the moral is an act of kindness doesn’t have to be overt. What matters is you did something extraordinary in her mind.” (around minute 7).

In other words, kindness doesn’t have to mean donating a million dollars or creating a new non-profit. Kindness can be part of everyday life at home, school, or work.

Hartman interviews MIT Professor Anette Peko Hosoi to explain mathematically how kindness could spread. The professor explains exponential growth and shows her calculations. They called it a “formula for restoring faith in humanity.” (minute 39).

This formula works if we pay one act of kindness forward with more than one act (1.1 acts according to the professor), and the kindness will keep multiplying.

Hartman ends the program by asking us to be kind, no matter what it is: “Hold a fundraiser or hold a door.” (minute 42).

If people want to share stories, the hashtag is #kindnessgoesviral.

Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17 this year, though we don’t have to wait until then. Keep in mind, I’m not saying that people should spend their last dollar on someone else or otherwise hurt yourself to help someone. There are ideas on what to do on the website, such as “Create positive bookmarks and hide at your local library,” “Be kind to your server,” and “Sign up to be an organ donor.”

It’s been a week since the new year began, and I’ve given up New Year’s resolutions (not that I started). I’ve given the usual holiday donations, and I’ll forget about them until next year. Instead of a donation or a resolution that fades way, I’m more interested in an everyday kindness revolution. Look for me holding the door open for you.

This is the opinion of Linda Larson, a St. Joseph resident. She is the author of "Grow It. Eat It," which won a national award, and "A Year In My Garden." Her column is published the second Sunday of the month; she welcomes comments at

This article originally appeared on St. Cloud Times: In a stressed and grumpy world, a little kindness can go a long way